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Thanks PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados).
PPAA:Juan Cano I 是墨西哥城的一个住宅项目,其设计采用了可以应对城市人口增长的联排别墅模式。
PPAA:Juan Cano I is a residential project in Mexico City with a townhouse typology that has been gaining strength within the context of the city to attend to population growth demands.
▽住宅临街立面 Street facing facade

这种城市模式的一大特点是地块狭窄,因此,为了在一个正面 6 米、长 30 米的地块上满足设计要求,我们争取了一个占地面积较小的垂直建筑,并利用其余部分产生留白,使两侧的视线通透。
A characteristic of this urban model is the narrow lots, so to incorporate the requirements in a plot with a 6m front and 30m long, we vied for a vertical building that would occupy a smaller area of the land and take advantage of the rest to generate voids that generates visual transparency from side to side.
The architecture is guided by the existing trees on the plot we decided to preserve. In front, on a free area, a mass that houses the program was placed, while the backside is a patio with multiple possibilities of use throughout the day. This approach allows opening the house onto the street and the backyard simultaneously, creating an east-west axis that governs the views, circulation, and layout. On the other hand, to provide more privacy, we decided to raise the habitable area.
▽住宅后院 Backyard

▽客厅 Living room

The connection between the different floors is given by a block of stairs that allows free continuous circulation. It’s possible to go from the street to the studio on the last level without crossing any other area.

▽楼梯间 Staircase

▽顶层办公空间 Office Space

▽屋顶的小花园 A small garden on the roof

An important design aspect was to mimic the house with its urban context; therefore, the facade became black. Instead, the interior has light walls and warm tones of wood in the furniture and woodwork.
▽黑色的建筑外墙 Black exterior walls of buildings

▽住宅内外空间交融 Integration of interior and exterior spaces in residential buildings

▽厨房 Kitchen

▽书房 Study

▽走廊 Interior Corridor

Juan Cano I 为不断发展的住宅概念提供了新的解决方案,其整体的设计理念是以两种不同的形式和状态共存于住宅中,即内与外、实与虚。
Juan Cano I is a project that seeks new proposals for a growing housing concept. We based on the idea of living the house in two forms and moments: the exterior and the interior, the built and the unbuilt space.
▽住宅各层平面图 Plan

▽住宅剖面图 Section

项目名称:Juan Cano I
竣工年份:2023 年
面积:377 平方米
项目地点:墨西哥 墨西哥城
首席建筑师:Pablo Pérez Palacios
设计团队:Pablo Pérez Palacios、Emilio Calvo、Miguel Vargas、Andrés Domínguez、Marcelino Pacheco、Nancy Estévez、Daniela Jay
图片来源:César Belio
Project Name: Juan Cano I
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 377 m2
Project Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Landscape/Architecture Firm: PPAA
Website: ppaa.mx
Contact e-mail: comunicacion@ppaa.mx
Lead Architects: Pablo Pérez Palacios
Design Team: Pablo Pérez Palacios, Emilio Calvo, Miguel Vargas, Andrés Domínguez, Marcelino Pacheco, Nancy Estévez, Daniela Jay
Photo Credits: César Belio
Photographer’s Website: https://cesarbelio.com
“ 设计保留了地块上现有的树木,并以此作为参照来布置建筑空间,由此形成一条东西向的轴线串联起后院景观。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados)