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Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: The 2024 Zhongguancun Forum (ZGC Forum) was held at the newly built Zhongguancun International Innovation Center in Beijing from April 25 to 29. ZGC Forum, a state-level platform for global technological exchanges and cooperation, has become an influential global, comprehensive and open high-end event on high-tech innovation. The opening of the Innovation Center highlights the grandeur of the national conference center and, with its unique charm, enables scientific researchers to share the story of contemporary China’s technological advancements with the world.



北京中关村国际创新中心是北京市 “3个100”重点工程,毗邻玉泉山、颐和园、圆明园、北京大学、清华大学、中关村核心区,是三山五园历史文化与中关村科学城科技资源的交汇处,与周边的中关村展示中心、海淀公园、三山五园艺术中心等联动,形成多元化中关村论坛永久会址建筑群。项目占地5.9公顷,主体建筑由MAD建筑设计事务所设计,整体以含蓄谦逊的姿态融入三山五园大环境。周边景观是山水比德落实新山水·山水城市理论体系的全新实践,致力打造其为展示文化传承、科技引领的世界级新窗口。


The Zhongguancun International Innovation Center is a key project of Beijing’s “3 100s”. Adjacent to Yuquan Mountain, the Summer Palace, the Old Summer Palace, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and the core area of ​​Zhongguancun, it sits at the intersection of the Three Hills and Five Gardens and the Zhongguancun Science City. It connects with the surrounding Zhongguancun Exhibition Center, Haidian Park, and the Three Hills and Five Gardens Art Center to form a diverse complex of permanent venues for the Zhongguancun Forum.

Covering an area of 59,000m2, its main building was designed by MAD Architects. The overall design harmoniously integrates into the environment of the Three Hills and Five Gardens with a subtle and respectful approach. The surrounding landscape, a new practice by S.P.I Design, implements the New Shanshui · Shanshui City theoretical system, aiming to create a world-class showcase for cultural heritage and leading-edge technology.



无为而为 顺势而生 Adapting to Changes and Acting Accordingly

打造一个城市中原生、自然的活动场 Creating a Native and Natural Activity Space in the City



The Beijing Zhongguancun International Innovation Center aims to create an “urban living room” that integrates ecology, technology, culture, and borderless interaction. We respect the site’s superior natural resources, profound cultural heritage, and the technological prowess of the “city brain.” Inspired by the design philosophy of “adapting to changes and acting accordingly” from Laozi’s Dao De Jing, we design the center to evolve naturally within its surroundings. Green slopes and building rooftops are harmoniously connected to form a three-dimensional urban green space, blending subtly and respectfully into the environment of the Three Hills and Five Gardens.

The Three Hills and Five Gardens represent a unique cultural area in Beijing, blending traditional and modern cultures to showcase the city’s cultural evolution from ancient times to the present. It stands as a prominent cultural symbol of Beijing. Building upon this rich cultural and natural heritage, the project aims to design diverse activity spaces that enhance outdoor experiences for citizens. It seeks to create a native and natural activity venue within the city, revitalizing urban life while providing residents with a flexible and open urban park.



发展中的矛盾 Emerging Contradictions in Development

延续生态基底、传承文化底蕴、复合多维功能 Balancing Ecological Foundations, Preserving Cultural Heritage, and Integrating Multifaceted Functions

01 延续生态基底 Balancing Ecological Foundations


The project serves as a vital link connecting surrounding green spaces, extending the landscape framework of Xishan Mountain, and enhancing the key green corridors within the region. It also plays a crucial role in achieving the regional planning goal of 65% green and blue area coverage. Furthermore, rainwater management designs are tailored to the area’s precipitation patterns to ensure the sustainable development of the hydrological system.


▽该区域是北京楔形绿地和绿化隔离带的重要组成部分,也是城区重要的水源涵养区,但在2020年之前,该地区面临着绿地面积锐减、城市负担沉重、旅游严重饱和等问题。The area is a crucial part of Beijing’s wedge-shaped green spaces and green buffer zones. It also serves as a vital water conservation area for the urban district. However, before 2020, the area faced challenges such as a sharp decrease in green space, heavy urban burdens, and severe tourism saturation.


02 传承文化底蕴 Preserving Cultural Heritage


The project integrates traditional Chinese garden imagery with urban innovation, aiming to preserve and inherit the rich cultural heritage of the Three Hills and Five Gardens. It strives to allow citizens to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture while enjoying modern urban life.



03 复合多维功能 Integrating Multifaceted Functions


The project aims to integrate a national conference center with civic park spaces, ensuring that local residents’ lifestyles and recreational needs are sustained after the urban public building is established, thereby enhancing land use efficiency.


▽具备水文调节、微气候调节、小功能空间调节等综合功能的绿色之丘 A green hill with comprehensive functions such as hydrologic regulation, microclimate regulation and small functional space regulation

▽提供给人们开放灵活的“自然活动场” Provide people with open and flexible “natural activity field”


复合功能的绿色之丘 A “Multifunctional Green Hill”

生态、文化、科技、社会功能深度融合 Deeply Integrating Ecological, Cultural, Technological, and Social Functions


Therefore, we propose the design concept of a “multifunctional green hill”. This concept deeply integrates ecological, cultural, technological, and social functions, creating a versatile green urban space: meeting requirements for height limits, density restrictions, and lightweight construction; incorporating rainwater management, energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and intelligent design principles; accommodating conference needs while fostering diverse, human-centered public activity spaces. This approach aims to achieve harmonious balance between functionality and human experience.


策略一:助力区域水文系统健康发展的水生态设计 Water Ecological Design that Facilitates the Healthy Development of Regional Hydrological Systems

▽雨水汇流分析。地形营造损失了下凹绿地的自然蓄渗功能,且地形雨水汇流增加地表径流。除车行道外,其余硬质地面以透水混凝土作为主要铺装,整体满足50.5%的透水铺装率。并在核心区域设置雨水溢流口。17000㎡超大绿化屋面作为场地海绵系统重要的一环,具有复合功能,兼顾雨水管理设计、节能减碳、智能设计。Rainwater Runoff Analysis: The terrain construction has compromised the natural infiltration capabilities of depressed green spaces, increasing surface runoff. Apart from roadways, all other hard surfaces use permeable concrete as the primary paving material, achieving an overall permeability rate of 50.5%. Overflow outlets are placed in the core area for effective rainwater management. A large green roof covering 17,000 square meters serves as a crucial component of the site’s sponge system, offering multifunctionality that includes rainwater management, energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and intelligent design principles.



策略二:延续西山生态基底与文化底蕴的植物设计 Plant Design that Continues the Ecological Foundation and Cultural Heritage of the West Mountain

▽种植方面选用银杏(金黄)、元宝枫(橙红)等十余种北京本土彩叶树种,保证色彩差异度,并拉长彩叶观赏期;用颐和园中常用的油松、白皮松打造常绿背景,兼顾四季观赏效果;营造疏林、密林、自然草坡等不同植被类型。Plant Selection: The project includes over a dozen native deciduous tree species from Beijing, such as ginkgo (golden yellow) and Acer truncatum (orange-red), ensuring a rich diversity of colors and extending the foliage viewing period. Evergreens like Pinus tabuliformis and Pinus bungeana, commonly found in the Summer Palace, provide year-round visual interest. Different vegetation types, including sparse forests, dense forests, and natural grass slopes, are cultivated.

▽树种分层种植图 Layered Planting Diagram

▽植物随着季相变化,模拟三山五园地区原生林的植被风貌,打造层林尽染、叠翠流金的植物景观。The planting strategy replicates the seasonal changes of the original forests in the Three Hills and Five Gardens area, creating a landscape characterized by vibrant colors and lush greenery.

▽大树记忆空间,以场地原生大树为中心,围合成一个大树记忆空间的景观设计,结合场地坐凳、建筑异形廊架构成生态与科技结合的精神聚场。Memorial Tree Space: Centered on native large trees, a memorial space is designed to integrate ecological and technological elements, featuring seating areas and architecturally distinctive structures that enhance the natural ambiance of the site.


策略三:传承三山五园文化意境的空间设计 Space Design for Inheriting the Cultural Conception of Three Hills and Five Gardens


▽以三山五园片区本来就有的生态、文化、科技、公共资源为设计源头,融入场地景观设计中,形成五大特色景致。Drawing from the existing ecological, cultural, technological, and public resources of the Three Hills and Five Gardens area, the design integrates them into the site’s landscape, creating five distinctive scenic features.

▽叠翠——建筑借山之势,列植乔木形成林窗渗透视线,融入西山的层峦叠嶂 Overlapping Trees-The building takes advantage of the mountain, and rows of trees form a forest window to penetrate the sight, blending into the layers of mountains in the West Mountain.

▽掠影——下沉庭院像古典园林中的园中园,竹影斑驳 Glimpse-The sunken courtyard resembles a garden within a garden in classical gardens, with dappled bamboo shadows.

▽重林——周边乔木形成重林 Dense Forest-Surrounding trees create a dense forest.

▽浅丘——巧借保留的古树空间,形成场地的精神领地 Shallow Hill-Cleverly utilizing preserved spaces of ancient trees to establish the site’s spiritual territory.

▽镜水——建筑与疏林倒影在镜水之中,虚实对比,是水天相接的画卷 Mirror Water-The building and the sparse forest are reflected in the mirror water, creating a contrast between reality and illusion, resembling a painting of the merging of water and sky.


绿色科技会客厅 Green Technology Living Room

为场地营造了宜人的小气候,形成城市中原生、多元的活动场 Create a favorable microclimate for the venue, establishing a unique and diverse activity space within the city


Through the comprehensive integration of three key strategies, the “Green Technology Living Room” of the Zhongguancun International Innovation Center emerges.


▽场地小气候营造分析:设计依据城市主导风向、建筑走势,通过规划景观地形围合度、植物郁闭度来引导风向和风量。夏季清风穿林,冬季遮挡寒风;选用夏季遮阴、冬季落叶的树种,调节不同季节太阳的辐射度;在植物密度不够的场地东南侧,大水面的布置可以调节场地温度和湿度,提供舒适宜人的室外休闲空间。Analysis of Site Microclimate Creation: The design integrates the prevailing wind direction and building orientations to control wind flow and intensity through deliberate landscape terrain enclosure and plant density planning. In summer, breezes permeate forested areas, while in winter, these spaces act as windbreaks. Selected tree species offer shade in summer and allow sunlight in winter, effectively managing solar radiation year-round. Furthermore, a large water feature on the southeast side moderates site temperature and humidity, enhancing comfort and providing a pleasant outdoor leisure space.

▽人们在项目场地各处休憩 People can relax in various areas throughout the site


城市界面与西山的过渡 The Transition between Urban Interface and the West Mountain


The large trees form a natural forest window, serving as a transition between the external municipal road and the internal site, framing the leaf-shaped eaves and the distant West Mountain.



入口水景广场 Entrance Waterscape Square


Utilizing recycled rainwater to create a landscape reservoir, the edge of the irregular concrete masonry is designed to be at a height suitable for people to rest, forming an ultra-long curved stool. Thus, forming an open and inclusive street corner square with a cool breeze.



下沉庭院 Sunken Garden


Stacked waterfalls and bamboo shadows form a tranquil sunken courtyard, which is an outward extension of indoor space and also draws inspiration from the “garden within the garden” concept in classical gardens.



树坑聚场 Tree Pit Gathering Place


In order to preserve the large trees on the original site, a sunken area is formed on the north grassy slope. Steps and stone benches are set in the concave area to form an inward enclosed space centered on a large tree. It serves as a place for citizens to rest, reflect, and communicate.




The small height difference formed here enhances the interest of the space and becomes a natural paradise for adults and children in the city.



城市中的活力草丘 Vibrant Grass Hill in the City


The building’s roof seamlessly integrates with the landscape terrain, forming a green grassy hill accessible to the public. The building’s eaves extend outward, creating a sheltered gray space.




Viewed from the overpass on the Municipal Road, the conference center resembles a green hill in the city, attracting pedestrians to explore.



超大绿色屋面 Extra-large Green Roof


Resembling a leaf embedded in the remnants of the West Mountain, the undulating roof and gentle slope of the green space combine to form a three-dimensional urban green space, integrating into the regional style of “Three Hills and Five Gardens”.



结语 Technology

科技,人类自然力量的延伸与加强 The Extension and Enhancement of Human Capabilities

凯文·凯利曾在《失控》一书中深刻洞察到:“最深刻的技术是那些看不见的技术,他们将自己编织进日常生活的细枝末节之中,直到成为人们生活的一部分。” 科技,作为人类自然力量的延伸与加强,无疑将在未来更加深刻地影响我们的生活方式。


Kevin Kelly once observed in his book “Out of Control”: “The most profound technologies are those invisible ones that weave themselves into the daily life until they become part of people’s lives”. Technology, as an extension and enhancement of human capabilities, will undoubtedly have an increasingly profound impact on our lifestyle in the future.

The completion of the Beijing Zhongguancun International Innovation Center marks another milestone in the thriving development of China’s tech industry. More than just a building, it is a hub of technology and innovation. Embracing the concept of a “green technology living room,” it welcomes innovators from all over the world. Here, technology and culture converge, sparking new possibilities, infusing fresh vitality into China’s technological pursuits, and witnessing continuous breakthroughs. In the future, it will carry the aspirations of China’s technological dreams, joining hands with global innovators to create a new era of technological and cultural prosperity.




工程设计总包:北京市建筑设计研究院股份有限公司 | 第一建筑设计院
摄影:ARCH-ZOOM 琢墨建筑摄影

Project Title: Zhongguancun International Innovation Center
Client: Zhongjie (Beijing) Development and Construction Co., Ltd.
Architectural Design: MAD Architects
Engineering Contractor: Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Co., Ltd., First Architectural Design Institute
Managing Contractor: BCEG No.4 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
Landscape Design: Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Lighting Design: TORYO International Lighting Design Center
LOGO Consultant: TO THREE
Curtain Wall Consultant: Inhabit Beijing
Audio and Video Consultant: Radio, Film & TV Design and Research Institute (DRFT)
Photographs: ARCH-ZOOM
Location: Haidian District, Beijing
Area: 55,947 m2
Design Period: April 2022 till now




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