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Thanks PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados).
PPAA:Aculco 是一座与世隔绝的度假屋,坐落在一个被自然环抱的僻静地方。这里是我们回归本质的理想之地,也是让人得以从现代生活中回到自然环境的理想场所。场地附近还有着震撼人心的崖壁景观。
PPAA:The Aculco project is a holiday home completely isolated in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nature. It is the ideal place to get in contact with our most elemental states and get some rest from modern living in a natural environment, that has some impressive cliffs close by.

The place was found by two brothers who love outdoor activities while they were in a rock-climbing trip. The Aculco project was ordered by them a couple of years after they bought the area and reforested it.

The architectural project was mainly guided by the qualities of the environment, so we sought to establish a reciprocal dialogue between the construction and its natural surroundings. We went for simplicity, minimal need of maintenance, and intimacy with the panorama and the land.

The house is made of block walls of quarry stone from the area, clay floors, wood, and glass. We left every material in its raw state without covering it. The construction´s clear spaces become almost solely a container of views.

On another note, we found ourselves before a major challenge during the construction; this is, to cause the less possible impact on the environment, while we also had to procure ourselves the necessary workforce and materials in an isolated place.

▽夜晚,住宅内散发出温暖的光线 At night, a warm light emanates from the residence

▽设计平面图 Plan

项目地点:墨西哥 墨西哥州 阿库尔科
首席建筑师:Pablo Pérez Palacios
设计团队:Pablo Pérez Palacios、Alfonso de la Concha Rojas、Miguel Vargas、José Luis Jiménez
图片来源:Rafael Gamo
Project Name: Aculco
Completion Year: 2018
Scale: 90 m2
Project Location: Aculco, State of Mexico, Mexico
Landscape/Architecture Firm: PPAA
Website: ppaa.mx
Contact e-mail: comunicacion@ppaa.mx
Lead Architects: Pablo Pérez Palacios
Design Team: Pablo Pérez Palacios, Alfonso de la Concha Rojas, Miguel Vargas, José Luis Jiménez
Photo Credits: Rafael Gamo
Photographer’s Website: https://rafaelgamo.com
“ 该住宅既是我们回归本质的理想之地,也是让人得以从现代生活中剥离、回归自然怀抱的理想场所。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados)