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Thanks Z+T Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Z+T Studio.
Z+T Studio: Fengxiangzhou is situated in the middle of the QuJiang River, located in the central part of the Jinqu Basin, near Quzhou city in western Zhejiang Province. The island lies at the border between Anhui, Jiangxi, and Fujian provinces, what is often referred to as the “crossroads of the four provinces in addition to the convergence of the Qu and Longyou rivers.” Along the QuJiang River between Quzhou and Lanxi City, there are a total of The 12 river islands. It’s path changed again with the completion of the downstream Xiaoxitan Dam in 2007 and the upstream Hongchuantou Dam in 2015, creating a natural wetland on the north bank of the QuJiang River.
The island is quite flat, flanked on either side by broad river expanses, offering a rare glimpse of the horizon in the often overcrowded inland. The spontaneous lush growth lays out history in living color, while concrete detritus from earlier construction projects darkened over the years. The evolutionary process of Fengxiangzhou represents the tension between the natural and artificial, reflecting changes in the relationship between revetments and river. The juxtapositions give rise to the emerging harmony between the artificial and the recurrent natural processes, revealing a vernacular and layered geographical and humanistic narrative.

▽不同季节的场地呈现出不同的风貌 Different landscape features in four seasons.

挑战 Challenges:
·River Erosion: The western side of riverbed is adversely affected by waves from the navigation channel, resulting in fragmented, fading boundaries. The eastern side is piled with sand and requires dredging year-round. The southern area faces continuous erosion during rainfall and the discharge from the flooding of the Lingshan River, posing a long-term risk of bank collapse.
·Flood Season: The existing flood warning water level is 42.70, with a submersion rate of 94%. The regular water level is at 40.20. The current elevation of the buildings on the island is 0.7m higher than the once-in-a-century flood level.
·Low Ecological Diversity:The site’s Simpson Index (ecological dominance) is evaluated at 0.63. Biodiversity on the island is relatively low, highly prone to the threat of invasive plants.
·Project Scale: The designated design area for the project is 40 hectares, with the island dimensions of 1130*530m. The northern channel is approximately 175m, and the southern channel is nearly 350m. The visual expansion of the space is three times wider than the size of the island itself.
▽凤翔洲形态演变 Fengxiangzhou morphological evolution

▽植物多样性及上下木原貌 Plant diversity and original appearance of upper and lower trees

策略 Strategy
·Storm Water management: The design embraces the Chinese axiom to “Go with it, use it wisely”. To this end, there has been an impact study of flood threats on the site by the specialists in an effort to delineate an acceptable flooding rate for future operations. It implemented multiple design strategies to ensure efficient flood flow for new structures, infrastructure and plants. The current design prioritizes the long-term effects of water by addressing and coordinating the external impact from the QuJiang and Lingshan Rivers. Further, the project takes the opportunity to offer a variety of environment education programs to the public.
·Ecological system: The design has defined three ecological zones with a focus on prioritized protection, minimal intervention, and targeted restoration, enhancing the native ecosystem and offering diverse habitats for the local wildlife.
·Adaption and sustainability: The project aims for long-term site use by combining site features, regional culture, and historical art, encouraging public participation and environmental awareness.
▽生态系统修复、河流流量与季节性洪水相结合 Ecological restoration cooperates with river flows and seasonal flooding

▽河岸修复与干预策略,采用了石阶、草坡、植被保护和护坡组合方式。 Strategies for the riverbank restoration and intervention, mix of stone terraces, grass slopes, vegetation for protection, and stone pitching for the bank reparation.


▽鸟瞰 Aerial view

生态基底 Ecological foundation:
Riverbank: The project restored 1 km of damaged and fragile river bank borders and protected 7.5 hectares of natural wetlands and revetments while optimizing their forms and stabilizing shorelines and communities to enhance waterfront experiences. The design utilized stone and vegetation for protection on the east side, a mix of stone terraces and grass slopes on the west, and stone pitching on the south.
Water system: The project reshaped the fragile wetland and enhanced a diverse ecological environment while providing varied waterfront experiences. Additionally it proposed to excavate the northwest end of the island for flood storage while creating a river floodplain on the east side for natural filtration. Furthermore, a comprehensive water purification system containing pollutant interception, sedimentation, and aeration has greatly improved both water quality and circulation on the island.
Flood operation: With an elevation range of 40.20-43.50 in the island and a flood warning level of 42.70, the main roads were designed uniformly above 43.00. Specific strategies for flood areas were considered which included reshaping the topography, defining rainwater runoff paths, and encouraging natural infiltration. Vegetation buffer zones were established around water bodies to filter surface runoff and regulate water quality. Permeable stone gabion walls were installed in both the upstream and downstream directions. The main loops were elevated, and the functional areas including certain areas such as the Biophilic Center, Forest Paradise, Floating huts, and Visit Center were elevated to 45.20, with flood prevention measures added including grading and retaining walls. Overall, the new installations minimize the impact of the flooding on the site while reducing the water coverage from 94% to 82% in the event of flooding.
Ecological diversity: The project delineated low-intervention ecological zones, while preserving existing vegetation and restoring and localizing soil that was damaged during previous construction. One proposal was provided to replace inorganic topsoil, remove invasive species, and create landforms for perennials, shrubbery and grass. The central lawn was designed for concentrated activities, which included a trimmed lawn on the east and shrubbery on the west. The Visitor center and Floating huts were renovated based on existing structures while preserving all surrounding trees and restoring native shade-tolerant groundcover. Interactive installations in the Forest Paradise were strategically placed amidst existing flora, ponds, and the existing terrain, with restoration of construction-affected areas through native plants.
▽驳岸采用:1抛石+植被护坡,2叠石台地+草坡+抛石作护坡生态修复。Ecological restoration revetment : 1.stone layering with aquatic grasses 2.terraced stone with grass slope

▽探出水岸远眺的休息空间,用石笼墙定义边界,同时具备通洪功能The boundary of resting and viewing platforms extending to the river is defined by the gabion walls with flood passage.

▽苍耳等泛滥物种主要集中在人工破坏地表土层严重的区域。通过地形重塑,搭建湿地、草甸生物多样性生境,介入轻量人为活动,达到人地和谐。 Invasive species such as Cang’er are mainly concentrated in areas with severe non-nutritional topsoil disturbance. Light intervention was implemented including reshaping the topography, while constructing wetlands and meadow biodiversity habitats to achieve biodiverse environment for both people and nature.

▽通过与专业的多年生植物团队合作,草甸区生态修复治理尽量使用浙东地区原生植物的引种,适应该区域夏季高温湿热,冬季寒冷的气候特征。Collaboration with a professional team specializing in perennial plants, ecological restoration and management in the meadow area strive to use indigenous plants from the eastern Zhejiang region. This aims to adapt to the climate characteristics of high temperature and humidity in summer and cold conditions in winter in this region.

▽北岸的水域没有航道影响,相对平稳。未来规划要求提供游船停泊点。使用格栅、木坐凳满足功能需求。植被恢复采取春秋两季撒播花种草籽。Northern riverbank with smooth water will be used as a boat docking for tourists in the future. The platform is featured with grates and wooden benches, complemented by seasonal flower and grass seeding through vegetation restoration.

▽地被草花因北岸原生生境不同,自然选择、淘汰品种,生态修复在不同季节呈现不同状态。Northern river bank is covered with seasonal wild flowers comprising varied native species

艺术文化 Art and culture
The north side of river, Fengxiangzhou faces the Bamboo Forest Temple which was constructed in the seventh year of the Tang Dynasty’s Zhenguan era, around 1300 CE. Next to the temple, it is the recently discovered Long You Grottoes, the largest ancient underground artificial architecture in the world. The south of the island, adjacent to the navigable river, lies the main city area. The Main Bridge serves as one of the connections between the main city and the historical cultural area. Fengxiangzhou island serves as a pivotal point between the past and the present, guiding people to the thriving development of the future.

▽在尽端观景台栏杆处的信息讲解科普标识牌Information signage designed and attached at the viewing platform railing.

▽科普牌的色彩研究及1:1纸质打样 Color research and 1:1 paper proofing of popular science brand

▽东汉瑞兽铜镜的图腾比例演变为场地中心的地图浮雕广场The map on the Central Plaza is combined and derived from the totemic pattern of the bronze mirror of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

During the design process, we explored the local culture by delving into the Longyou Museum’s collection to establish a connection between featured antique tools and artworks and their context with the new site. Fengxiangzhou, in this sense, could become a unique outdoor museum for locals and visitors alike. The museum’s collection of totems, artifacts, forms, textures, and colors were each interpreted as landscape elements: The fox totem on the bronze mirror along with its grape patterns has been transformed into a Fox Restaurant in the forest; The turtle-shaped seal from the Western Han Dynasty has evolved into the Ancient Seal Fragrant Grass Garden and the Ancient Seal Lotus Pond besides the Biophilic Center; The cellar-stored golden cup from Ming Dynasty was transformed into the Goblet Pavilion which reflects strongly on the water’s surface.
▽森林乐园俯瞰像是一只藏于林间的巨型松鼠. Forest Paradise like a giant squirrel nestled in the woods.

▽铜镜狐狸图腾演变为狐狸餐吧,龙游石窟鱼尾结构柱演变为水文观测塔Fox restaurant is transformed from the fox totem on the copper mirror. Viewing tower for hydrological observation is inspired from the fishtail-shaped pillars of Longyou Grottoes

▽龙游降雨数据可视化图演变为亲自然中心栏杆。该围栏的底标高高于洪水位,还兼顾了防淹没、通洪功能。The railing of the Biophilic Center corresponds to the Longyou rainfall data. The elevation of the railing base is higher than the flood level, taking into account its functions as both flood prevention and drainage.

▽自然叶脉演变为隆起的地形,边界消失在自然地被中,利用大地艺术肌理引导人走进树叶的微观世界。The enlarged leaf veins are transformed into an undulating terrain, where the boundaries disappear into the natural ground cover. The “vein path” invites visitors to consider the microscopic world of tree leaves.

▽玉簪文物演变为玉簪迷宫Fog and haze are composed of light columns inspired from jade hairpins of the Southern Song Dynasty.

▽以子母鲁印中的鲁伯印为原型演化的荷塘,种植了龙游当地特产志棠白莲,为中国四大名莲之一,莲藕滑梯将人们从自然科普中心引导至场地 。Lotus maze is derived from the Lu Bo seal of the mother-son Lu Seal, with the local ChiTong white lotus, one of four famous lotuses in China. The Lotus slide guides visitors from the Biophilic Center to the site.

美好生活 Activities
Fengxiangzhou Park is a platform seamlessly integrating recreation, exploration, and environmental education.
The barren land, caused by construction, beneath the Main Bridge has been replaced with the Fountain Plaza for interactive water recreation, offering a cooler temperature during the hot summer. Moreover, there are meadow walks, forest paths, wetland observation, tower viewing, herb study, camping, a thousand-person lawn for music festivals, and a stone embankment for a view of the southern city. Divided by the Main bridge, the west part of the island hosts the Biophilic Center for environment education, while the east features the Forest Paradise with interactive installations. The eastern end of the island features a quiet bay, with less impact from the flow of the river and navigation, and is ideal for water sports. The kayak center along the shore is the main service building for future water activities such as water yoga, water biking, kayaking, and water performances.
▽森林乐园的玩乐设施与现状杂木林交织,为施工过程带来很多矛盾和冲突。The installations in the Forest Paradise are intertwined with the existing woodland, challenging the construction operation and management.

▽围绕场地大树形成空中螺旋探险之旅。中间的躺网采用大地色系以及自然界最常出现的波纹Snake bridge around the large trees offers spiral adventure. The central climbing net is designed with earth tones and the most common ripples found in the natural world.

▽公园对所有生物开放,甚至允许牧群按照传统习俗聚集。The park is opened to all creatures, even allowing herds to gather as per traditional

永续运维 Project management
In May of 2023, Fengxiangzhou was gradually opened to the public. Four teams consisting of landscape, art installation, environmental graphic design, and operation in the office were fully involved to ensure comprehensive design details and site-inspection throughout the project. The project adopts a hybrid operational model, combining local contractors with municipal supervision while incorporating both internal and third-party management into the future. The management team is also dedicated to focusing on service targets, maintenance costs, and expected visitors.
▽亲自然中心是根据场地原有建筑的改建。中间平台将几栋独立单体连接成为一体,架在现有香樟树上,为入口以及室内外连接提供了场所。The Biophilic center is based on a revamped structure, of which the units are now connected by a central platform among the existing camphor trees, serving as both an entrance and transition area.

▽室内的亲自然活动,利用场地原有放大照片为背景,设计了以龙游的鱼、鸟、昆虫等生物为主体的各种科普互动活动。The Biophilic Center offers interactive installations based on local flora and fauna, fish, birds, insects.

结语 Conclusion
Between the Rain 是设计之初在岛上踏勘时的灵感,来源于1994年马其顿导演的电影Before the Rain(暴雨将至)。影片是一个Never-ending story——时间不逝,圆圈不圆(Time never dies. The circle is not round)。从大历史观想象凤翔洲,她承载的也是这样一个故事:人与自然之间的进退、往复、来回,周而复始,永不停歇。
“Between the Rain” is inspired by the 1994 Macedonian film “Before the Rain”, which aired during our initial exploration of the island. It presents a never-ending story where time persists, and the circle is not round. Fengxiangzhou’s landscape encapsulates a timeless narrative of the perpetual dance between humans and nature as a cyclical rhythm persisting within the law of universe.

Project name:Fengxiangzhou Water Park
Client: Longyou Fengxiangzhou Tourism Development Co., Ltd
Scale: Approximately 40ha
Landscape Design: Z+T Studio
Design members: Zhang Dong, Tang Ziyin, Zhang Yanan, Xu Min, Zhang Qing, Zeng Qinghua, Chen Yifan, Lou Siyuan, Wang Qi, Zhou Teng, Wang Zihan, Bao Lixia, Ren Yiming, Pan Zhaoyan, Zheng Yulu, Che Enjun, Li Yilin, Niu Yuxuan, Zhang Wenli, Zou Shuguang, Xu Xiaoyu, He Xiaoqi, Fu Hailan, Wu Xiaoyun
Installation Design and Construction: Z+T Hapitor Art Studio
Installation members: Liu Hongchao, Fan Yanjie, Zheng Jialin, Wang Hu, Zhang Siyu, Liu Binyuan, Li Mingfeng, Xu Qin, Chen Haitian, Zhong Chuanyi, Li Weiqi, Zhang Yian, Zhang Yichao, Liu Shinan, Tao Rong
environmental graphic design:Yao Yu, Fang Lerao
Operations Planning:Sun Chuan, Fu Baojun
Native plant technology consultant:Shanghai Shangfang Horticulture Co., Ltd:Shen Ruixue
Ecologist:Mo Wang
Site Location: Longyou in Quzhou, Zhejiang
Year designed:2021.7-2021.12
Year completed::2022.12
Year opened:2023.10
Photograph: Zhang Hai, Li Yilin, Tang Ziying,Li Mingfeng, Chen Yifan,Shi Gang,Zhang Wenli
“ 人与自然的和谐共处。”
更多 Read more about: 张唐景观