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PLAT Studio:昆山城西是昆山市一个以创新产业为核心的科技新区,吸引着无数的高新科技工作者和居住者在此定居。昆山市做为上海苏州周边飞速成长的新兴城市,在城市发展的过程中,逐渐意识到城市建设的扩张需要有意识地与绿色景观基础设施相结合。
PLAT Studio: A growing suburb of Shanghai and Suzhou, Kunshan finds itself in a formative period of expansion that requires intentional inclusion of green infrastructure design alongside its developmental growth. As a result of its proximity to major urban centers, Kunshan West is a flourishing tech region that is growing into a new innovative core district of its own, attracting an influx of industry workers and residents alike.
This development core is supported by a series of large water and open space resources, anchored by the expansive wetlands of Forest Park. The 163-hectare Kunshan Forest Park, as the most important regional park in the west of Kunshan City,The district park is located within the Miaojing River watershed, a historical and preserved drinking water aqueduct resource between Kuilei Lake and Kunshan’s Old Town.
▼昆山森林公园不同的季节风貌 The different seasons of Kunshan Forest Park
Previously underutilized as a recreational open space for residents of the district, Forest Park’s site challenges included an inaccessible overgrown and densely vegetated interior within an interface dominated by private developments with very few neighborhood entry points. The western edge of the site acts as a barrier between the neighboring communities and the amenities of Forest Park. The large existing network of waterways on site however presented an opportunity to utilize and improve upon the water filtration services the park was already providing the surrounding district. Strategic design was required to transform Forest Park into a district park that is equally valued as a recreational resource as it is an ecological one for Kunshan West.
▼改造前场地 Conditions before construction
▼项目建成后2年的效果 2 years after the completion of the project
The park’s design aims to realize a fully connected Forest Park with improved accessibility for surrounding neighborhoods, a community culture significant to the identity of the district and a functional ecological service for the park’s urban context.
Accessibility, ecological value, and recreational facilities are the three levels of attention in the design of the park. Strategies to achieve this goals address accessibility, ecological value, and recreational amenities. Accessibility is achieved by creating a West Entry and establishing the West Loop for connected pedestrian and cycle circulation. Ecological value is improved by linking waterways with the rest of Forest Park and integrating the park’s water infrastructure into the surrounding urban context. A variety of both vibrant and passive recreational amenities are provided for adjacent communities, making Forest Park a regional destination as well.
▼景观总平图及设计策略 Site plan and design strategies
▼公园施工进行中 Construction of the park is in progress
▼公园施工完成 Park construction completed
▼连通社区的公园入口 The entrance to the park connecting the community
The design framework addresses accessibility by providing a new entry point on the western border, breaking an existing barrier into Forest Park. The West Entry acts as a vital gateway node that leads visitors into a recreational plaza fitted with amenities for social and healthy outdoor gatherings. This active node welcomes visitors into the park and links them into the network of trails and boardwalks within the interior of Forest Park, extending the natural character of the park into the urban public realm. Here an amphitheater, visitor center and dining take advantage of grand views over the West Pond, invigorated by aquatic planting and screens of trees to minimize views of skyline development.
▼西入口和休闲广场鸟瞰 Bird’s eye view of the west entrance and leisure plaza
▼周边居民通过西入口过桥进入公园 Residents of the surrounding area enter the park through the west entrance across the bridge
▼风景如画的城市公园 Picturesque city parks
▼这个项目在北加州ASLA获得2019年的Honor奖,是基地本身的条件、决策、以及团队的成就。 The project received the 2019 Honor Award from ASLA of Northern California for the conditions of the site itself, the decision, and the achievements of the team.
Internal pathways lead visitors to explore different peaceful and natural habitats ranging from wetlands to forests as they journey through Forest Park’s now accessible interior. Timber boardwalks meander through aquatic planting and beds of reeds while hard paved footways adventure into tracts of colorful deciduous trees. These routes stemming from the West Entry Plaza connect into the bike system of Kuilei Lake and work to form an active and community-oriented waterfront park.
▼初建成后的公园径流处理基础设施 After the initial completion of the park runoff treatment infrastructure
▼项目建成2年后,季节变化看到的景象及流线系统 Two years after the completion of the project, the season changes to see the scene and streamline system
▼抬高的湿地木栈道 Elevated wetland wood boardwalk
▼探索更多不同形态从湿地到森林的自然栖息地 Explore more natural habitats in different forms, from wetlands to forests
▼森林里的休憩空间 Recreation space in the forest
为了将昆山城西的社区文化引入森林公园,西入口和休闲广场的设计创建了各式各样社区聚会,运动和餐饮等活动的设施和空间, 这些设施极大的被周围的居民所利用,成为了一个极受欢迎的社区公共开放空间。我们观察到在夏季凉爽的傍晚,这里却充满了活力,附近的居民聚集在这里慢跑,练习太极拳,和邻里拉拉家常。在喧闹的白天,咖啡馆和游客中心为居民提供了休憩的机会,并且在这里探索风景如画的自然公园。
The West Entry and recreational plaza extends the identity of the district of Kunshan West into Forest Park by providing space for community gatherings and active amenities like exercise and dining. This area is energized at night as residents of Kunshan West gather here to jog, practice Tai Chi and meet for family social functions in the cool summer evening temperatures. During the day, a cafe and visitor’s center both provide valuable programs for residents to enjoy as they venture out to explore the scenic and natural park on their doorsteps.
▼休闲广场 Leisure square
▼广场上的树池和廊架为不同年龄段的人们提供休憩的空间 The tree pool and gallery in the square provide a space for people of all ages to relax
▼湖岸空间为人们提供休憩的座凳 The lakeshore space provides benches for people to rest
▼座凳由低成本的清水混泥土与木制结合 The bench is made of low-cost concrete and wood
This programmatic strategy extends the gateway identity of the West Entry through to the Lotus Walk of wetland boardwalks. This trail allows visitors to come in direct contact with nature on a more passive route to leisurely stroll through swathes of wetland planting and provides restful areas to sit together, engaged in the natural beauty of the park.
▼城市界面被掩映在层层叠叠树林之中 The urban interface is sheltered in the forest layer upon layer
▼为城市居民提供了与大自然接触的机会 It provides city dwellers with the opportunity to connect with nature
The impact of the design of Forest Park’s West Entry is evident in the bustling activity observed day to day within its now open western border, where visitors are seen fishing on boardwalks, strolling through lush planting and having an afternoon snack by the West Pond. By becoming fully connected, Forest Park has become the landscape infrastructure that Kunshan West needs to serve the growing population and development the district is presently experiencing. The park now fulfills the needs of the community through efficient accessibility, abundant ecology and dynamic recreational amenities, supporting the flourishing future of Kunshan West.
▼西入口环路带领游客探索节点和郁郁葱葱的大自然,提供美丽的景色和户外休闲机会。 The west entry loop leads visitors on an explorative journey through both active nodes and lush nature that offers both beautiful views and outdoor recreation opportunities in a variety of settings.
▼森林公园在凉爽的傍晚及夜间特别受到周边居民的喜爱,许多住户都来森林公园锻鍊、交谊、闲话家常。 Forest Park is also an active open space that valuably serves adjacent neighborhoods as a vibrant hub for exercise and family gatherings in cooler evening temperatures.
The green infrastructure strategy of Forest Park aims at improving the overall water quality of the whole district by effectively utilizing its vast network of filtrating wetlands. With the aid of both a water pump system and extensive aquatic reed planting, Forest Park filters storm-water runoff from neighboring urban development and recycles clean water downstream back into the southern edge of the district. Bioswales and ornamental wetlands support the park’s mechanical infrastructure to mitigate the pressure put on urban storm sewers, creating a healthy hydrological district.
The variety of flora and fauna species incorporated into the planting palette foster a strong level of biodiversity within the park for people to observe and learn about. This planting palette presents an array of seasonal color, evident in the rich layers of shrubs and trees that screen outside development. The wide range of planting on all levels envelop visitors’ senses, immersing them in a natural and peaceful setting.
▼水处理系统示意图 Water treatment system diagram
▼多季相的种植设计让公园有更多样的面向, 在不同的季节,有著不同的丰富层次质感, 秋色季相。 Seasonal planting produces a park that is dynamic and inviting at all times of the year displaying rich and textural shrub layers and fall color on a variety of tree species.
▼丰富的生物多样性 Biodiversity
▼木栈道蜿蜒穿过湿地种植,过滤雨水, 改善森林公园整体水质 Boardwalks meander through wetland planting that filter the water within Forest Park and improve the overall water quality of the district
▼(前 / 后)主池塘区域的植栽设计旨在遮蔽小区住宅楼房,增加邻里私密性,并利用水生植物增加栖地,强化生态机能。 The planting design of the main pond intentionally screens neighboring buildings and improves the ecological value of the pond with aquatic planting.
▼2020年再次回到现场拍摄,植物们都更加茂密。 Revisiting the forest park in the fall of 2020, the plants became more dense and lush after two years.

A diversified planting palette improves the biodiversity of the site as well as serves the overall district with an effective stormwater runoff treatment system. Today, Forest Park has transformed into a dynamic district park and a fundamental piece of landscape infrastructure that will support the thriving future of Kunshan West.
景观设计:PLAT Studio
团队成员:廖德轩、王诗婷、蓝仕霖、隋虎、刘灿、庄惠茗、王显爱、Ellen Orchard
合作伙伴 :澳洲E2 Design Lab(水资源管理)、苏州园林设计园(施工图单位)
景观摄影:PLAT Studio、直译摄影
Project Information
Project Name:Kunshan Forest Park West Entry
Location:Kunshan, China
Area Size:27.81 Ha
Start Date:2014
Completion Date:2017
Client : Kunshan City Construction Investment Development Company
Landscape Design: PLAT Studio
Team member: Fred Liao, Kit Wang, Shih-lin Lan, Tiger Sui, Can Liu, Huei-Ming Juang, Ivy Wang,Ellen Orchard
Consultant: E2 Design Lab, Australia(water management), Suzhou Landscape Design Institute (Construction Documents)
Photographer: PLAT Studio, Archi-Translator
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