Landscaperain-gardens, StreetAmericaSurfacedesign, Inc.Marion Brenner100/150 Hooper Street by Surfacedesign, Inc.
LandscapeEducationAmericaSurfacedesign, Inc.Marion BrennerCommunity College of Denver by Surfacedesign, Inc.
architecture, LandscapePrivate HouseAmericaFeldman ArchitectureMill Valley Cabins by Feldman Architecture
LandscapeEducation, SquareAmericaSurfacedesign, Inc.University of New Mexico – Smith Plaza by Surfacedesign, Inc.
Landscapepublic space, StreetAmericaSTANLEY SAITOWITZ | NATOMA ARCHITECTSEmbarcadero and Potreo PG&E Substations, San Francisco by STANLEY SAITOWITZ | NATOMA ARCHITECTS
LandscapeWaterfrontAmericaSurfacedesign, Inc.Marion BrennerThe Beach at Expedia Group by Surfacedesign, Inc.
Landscapeartistic installationAmericaAlloy Design, Taller KENBright Stripes by Taller KEN & Alloy Design