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D5 渲染器:从尺规作图,到三维成像,再到 AI 生成图像、视频,实时渲染、AIGC 等先进技术正在将传统的设计工作流解构、重塑。作为设计师,应该如何拥抱变化,并借科技之势再上一层高楼?

本次专访,SWA 上海 将结合实际项目案例与我们分享:作为一家在景观深耕 65 年的跨国设计公司——SWA Group 的中国独立办公室,他们如何将过往经验与新兴技术相结合,革新工作流程,提升设计品质与效率。

SWA 上海

SWA 上海 成立于 2011 年,是 SWA 唯一位于美国本土外的全方位设计团队,业务范围包括景观建筑、城市规划与设计等。团队致力于通过系统性的景观设计促进社区的融合,创造了许多功能清晰、辨识度高且意义深远的场景。

D5 Renderer: The shift from hand drafting to 3D modeling, real-time rendering, and AI-enhanced visuals marks a revolution in design workflows. What should designers do to embrace and capitalize on these technologies to push the envelope of creativity?

In this exclusive interview, SWA Shanghai will share their insights with us on how to integrate cutting-edge technologies into the design workflow, based on existing skills and experiences, to improve efficiency and quality.

SWA Group is a multinational firm working on landscape design for 65 years based in USA. SWA Shanghai, established in 2011, is its full-service design office located overseas. The team is committed to promoting community harmony through systematic landscape design, creating many projects with clear functionality, high recognition, and profound significance.


▽深圳龙华区大浪犁头山郊野运动公园 The Tree Museum at Sports Park

©SWA 上海 ©岚·建筑设计


实时推敲设计方案,重塑设计工作流 Design Workflow Reshaped by Real-time Rendering

扎根景观领域多年,SWA 团队 在小型私人空间到大型公共多功能综合用地等不同尺度的项目中,都创造了独一无二的经典作品,其中包括「光明三桥」、「New York Hunter’s Point South Park」、「深圳华侨城欢乐海岸」等。

Rooted in the landscape field for many years, the SWA Shanghai office has created unique and classic works ranging from small private spaces to large public multi-functional complexes, including Guangming OCT Trail, New York Hunter’s Point South Park, OCT Bay and more.


▽光明三桥 Guangming OCT Trail

©SWA Group
©SWA Group
©SWA Group


在日积月累的项目实践中,SWA 上海 沉淀的不止丰富的设计经验,更有从国内设计市场出发,进而延伸到工作流革新的前沿思考。



“在 Rhino 里我们只能把握模型体块之间的关系,但无法直观地感受植物、光线、材质与模型结合的效果。之前也尝试了建模、渲染同步进行的模式,但之前使用的软件在实时性上有所欠缺,并且预览与最终输出的效果有差别,并不能满足我们的需求。”

SWA Shanghai’s extensive project experience has enriched their design acumen and spurred workflow innovation in response to the dynamic design market.
“We have to speed up the conceptual design stage to follow up the fast pace of project progress.”

Traditional workflow which follows the linear sequence of ‘modeling > rendering > model modifying > re-rendering’ requires an initially formed model before refinements in a rendering software. Yet it doesn’t meet the requirements of landscape design that has to incorporate vegetation at the very early stage.

“We can observe the volumetric relationships between models in Rhino, but we need a more straightforward approach to evaluate the integration of vegetation, lighting, and materials. The engine we previously used for simultaneous modeling and rendering barely meets our expectations for precise and instant rendering feedback.”


▽New York Hunter’s Point South Park

©SWA Group
©SWA Group
©SWA Group



Rhino-D5实时工作流则成为了 SWA 上海 破局的关键——用灵活的“实时联动”取代生硬的“软件切换”,让原本割裂的前后环节走向融合互补:有了粗糙的模型后,团队就会同步到D5中,在物理真实的环境下赋予材质、搭配植物、调节光线,在实时交互中快速将设计效果可视化。



Logical and fluid thinking is crucial at the initial stage, which is why designers strive to minimize frequent switching between different software. The Rhino-D5 real-time workflow excels in this area with its LiveSync feature, which bridges the gap between separate processes. The design team can import rough models into D5 to edit and review materials, vegetation, and lighting within a realistic environment.

“We are able to observe what’s insufficient in the scene and thus modify the models accordingly and review them in D5 after one-click import. It enhances the connection between design, model, and render, streamlining the workflow.”

Designers can precisely and efficiently deliver their ideas to both colleagues and clients with the help of D5’s accurate real-time rendering to advance the whole project forward.


▽深圳华侨城欢乐海岸 Shenzhen OCT Bay

©SWA Group


高质量效果表现,助力创意可视化 Creative Visions Delivered by High-quality Visualization



The Dalang Litou Mountain Sports Park (hereinafter referred to as the Sports Park), located in Shenzhen and bordering the Dalang Fashion Town, forms an integral part of Guanlan Mountain Forest Park. The project integrates green ecology into the modern city vibe, building an urban park both humanistic and eco-friendly.

Within the park, the Tree Museum stands as a landmark observation deck following the mountain’s terrain. It features innovative semi-transparent fabric material, resembling a light veil draped among the trees when viewed from a distance. In harmony with the adjacent fashion town, the architecture is nestled within the lush foliage, providing shelter and fostering interaction between visitors and nature.


▽深圳龙华区大浪犁头山郊野运动公园 树博物馆 The Tree Museum at Sports Park

©SWA 上海 ©岚·建筑设计
©SWA 上海 ©岚·建筑设计


如此庞大的景观体量,在效果表现阶段对渲染器的素材量、铺设效率还有承载力而言,都是不小的挑战。SWA 上海 会直接使用D5素材库中的各类植物,搭配植物工具,高效地铺刷完大面积的植被,实现效率和效果的双开。



“素材库里的各种建筑类材质选择很多,效果特别真实,PBR 材质在模拟凹凸质感上也非常优秀。即使是没有建筑设计背景的景观设计师,也能通过简单的操作实现不错的效果。”

“环境友好、零碳低碳”作为近几年备受关注的环保议题,SWA 上海 始终将其作为设计的重要准则之一。


Rendering large landscapes is challenging due to the demands on asset count, scattering effectiveness, and software capacity. SWA Shanghai overcomes this by using the D5 Asset Library and vegetation tools to scatter realistic plants, achieving both efficiency and quality.

“We used to buy extra asset packs for visualization. But the built-in plant model library of D5 — both diverse and high-quality — has saved our day, especially with the local species. The brush tool’s ability to place multiple plant types at once is remarkably easy to use.”

Furthermore, the wealth of materials in D5 Asset Library facilitates the team in effectively completing the surrounding structures.

“D5 Asset Library offers extensive architectural PBR materials that make the simulation of bumpy surfaces easy, allowing us landscape architects to create impressive visuals quickly.”

”Eco-friendliness” and ”low carbon” principles have been featured in SWA Shanghai’s designs.

As an iconic representation, the ‘Carbon-free Lab’ serves as an experimental, cultivable plant tower. It harnesses the growth and healing capabilities of plants and horticultural techniques to replace conventional steel facades with the lattice-like structure formed by trees.

This design ensures both stability, load-bearing capacity, and sustainability. Visitors can ascend the stairs for a close-up exploration of this natural hub.


▽深圳龙华区大浪犁头山郊野运动公园 零碳实验室 The Carbon-free Lab at Sports Park

©SWA 上海


在素材种类繁多的场景中,SWA 上海 选择用D5的图层功能进行素材管理,将人物、植物、建筑等分别归整到独立的图层中,便于更好地观察设计层次、增减素材。


In scenes heavy with assets, SWA Shanghai organizes characters, plants, and buildings into separate layers to determine if anything needs to be added or deleted.

“We will place assets that are only visible from certain perspectives into a layer and hide that layer when it is not needed. For instance, we once prepared two models for a pool’s water and placed them into distinct layers to represent the change in water level by toggling the respective layer on or off.”



景观表达与环境氛围往往相辅相成。在D5中,依靠滑杆、开关等最简洁的直觉性操作,SWA 上海 就能快速营造动人氛围。

“D5的环境效果非常真实,尤其是对于丁达尔、逆光等效果的表现特别出彩。还有专业的后期参数可以调整,如果天空过曝,我们就会调节局部曝光还原天空细节,这些功能很大程度上帮我们节省了以往 PS 的工作量。”

The intuitive environment system in D5 has helped SWA Shanghai create compelling atmospheres with simple controls such as sliders and switches.

“The environments in D5 are spot-on, especially when it comes to Tyndall effect and backlighting. We’ve also got pro-level controls for post-processing. If the sky’s too bright, we can tweak the local exposure parameter to restore details. It’s like having Photoshop built right into our workflow, but way easier.”



实时渲染带来的不止高质量的效果表现,高效的实时交互和渲染输出效率,也帮助 SWA 上海 在紧锣密鼓的方案修改阶段,更好地兼顾方案修改和出图质量、效率的可控性,完美应对频繁“沟通-修改-输出”的需求,降低沟通成本。

“收到修改意见后,我们可以快速对场景进行实时调整,并且实时渲染出图效率很高,我们自己输出鸟瞰图的速度也比之前有了 5-10 倍提升。D5 2.6 版本更新了人视点功能后,对出图高度的控制更加自由、精确了,出的人视图效果很好,客户看图时能更有代入感。”

Beyond high-quality output visuals, real-time rendering underlies the accelerated cycle of communication-revise-output for SWA Shanghai to strike a great balance between quality and speed at the scheme stage.

“After receiving feedback, we can make instant adjustments. The speed of rendering aerial-view landscapes has also seen a remarkable boost, around 5-10 times faster than before. Since D5 2.6 introduced the Walk Mode, we’ve got more flexibility to simulate the eye-level view with enhanced precision, thus giving clients a more immersive experience.”



前沿技术融入设计,探索全新蓝图 Incorporating Advanced Technology into Design

运动公园是 SWA 上海 首次接触并使用D5投产的项目。因为与合作的建筑设计方(岚·建筑设计)使用的渲染软件不同,带来了一系列问题,如双方最终出图风格不统一;素材不同进而同一视角、区域的模型无法合模等。同时,D5优质的整体效果也打动了 SWA 上海,于是团队开始逐步尝试新的生产力工具。


深圳龙华区大浪犁头山郊野运动公园 游客中心

The Sports Park was the inaugural project that SWA Shanghai undertook using D5 Render. Initially, there were challenges because MIST Architects utilized D5 while SWA Shanghai did not, leading to issues such as inconsistent visual styles and incompatible models caused by the use of different assets within the same area. Nevertheless, SWA Shanghai was ultimately convinced by the superior quality of D5 and opted to transition to D5 Render.

“Initial concerns about new software adoption were overcome by using official tutorials and practice. We addressed issues by utilizing resources from D5 Help Center. Learning from influencer videos and studying preset render scenes from D5 Scene Express improved understanding and confidence in the use of D5.”

The project features numerous innovative design elements, such as the lengthy, corridor-like semi-open visitor center, which provides a unique experience and blends with the surroundings, moving away from traditional boxy structures.


©SWA 上海 ©岚·建筑设计


因地制宜做设计固然是专业标准,但在更深处所展现的大胆创新、突破传统,以及积极接纳和应用新工具的热情与实力,却是 SWA 上海 团队的精神底色。

在 AIGC 掀起的新浪潮中,团队坚定地选择踏浪前行,以积极的姿态拥抱新趋势,将 AI 引入设计流程,激发创意灵感。同时,团队内部也会开展模型训练,用 AI 辅助周边建筑和其他背景元素的可视化表现。

SWA 上海 认为,科学发展日新月异,各种新兴技术必然会带来新一轮的设计变革。设计师应该紧跟时代步伐,明确自己在设计中的主角身份,用开放、坦然的态度,探索与人工智能相处的最佳模式,不断开拓自己经验的深度和广度,敢于突破自我与传统设计的边界,在边界外描绘更宽广的蓝图。

这也与D5对 AI 的思考不谋而合,且D5始终走在促进前沿技术与创意表达深度融合的道路上,让更多人能更简单地表达心中所想。

“看到 D5 2.6 版本也加入了 AI 功能,我们非常惊喜。印象最深的是 AI 材质通道图生成,对我们精细调节木纹、地砖等铺装材质的帮助很大。”

SWA Shanghai’s hallmark is their innovative spirit, departure from conventional practices, and proficiency in integrating new tools to deliver context-sensitive, high-standard designs.

Embracing the AIGC wave, the team is proactively harnessing AI in design for creative inspiration and training AI models for visualizing environments.

SWA Shanghai holds the belief that the ever-evolving technologies are bound to usher in a fresh wave of design revolution. Accordingly, designers should keep pace with the advance and assert themselves as the leaders in design while embracing artificial intelligence to serve their needs. They can sketch out a broader vision by continuously pushing beyond traditional design boundaries.

This also resonates with D5’s values that we consistently pioneer the integration of advanced technology with creative visualization, making it easier to visualize inner concepts effectively.

“We were surprised to see that D5 2.6 has added AI features. AI-generated Material Texture Maps is the most impressive one since it’s incredibly helpful for fine-tuning textures like wood grain and floor tiles.”



结语 Conclusion



As we embrace the surge of novel technologies and instruments, let us allow the rich harvest of our experiences and insights to act as the nurturing ground for cultivating creative thought, rather than shackles that limit our potential.

Looking ahead, D5 will continue its journey with more designers who dare to venture into uncharted waters, exploring new paths and using technology to elevate artistry, thus delivering more delightful design experiences.



更多read more about:   D5 渲染器