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Thanks Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd:Duo to China’s hectic urbanization, the land use pattern, the ecological safety and the cultural context are suffering from an unprecedented crisis. Accordingly, the housing market, dependent on financial leverage, is full of useless or shoddy products which go against the real community life. The purpose of this project is to restore the environment to its former state by site planning and landscape design. Finally, through the organization and utilization of functional spaces, it further strengthens the spirit of the site, making it a container of community relations and local culture.
▼项目插画 Project illustration
“在迅猛的城市化浪潮下,我们以精神家园被侵蚀为代价享受都市便捷,俨然成当下时代之殇。Under the rapid wave of urbanization, we enjoy the convenience of the city at the expense of the erosion of our spiritual home, which has become the ruin of the present era.”
The design began with the question: is it possible to rebuild a place and bring back its past warmth? To achieve it, the designer finally came up with the idea of “islet” and tried to build a “landscape city” which is connected by islets. The attempt to create an “ideal kingdom” like this just conveys the belief of “being towards beauty and happiness”.
High up to 22 meters from the urban road, the roof garden is interspersed with commercial spaces, trees, waterfall, theatre, etc. providing rich community experiences and making it full of vigour and vitality.Inspired by local landform, the designer has built some“terraced fields” along the boundary to reconcile the site with the urban roads and to remind people of the historical context of Guizhou.
▼轴测分析图 Axonometric analysis diagram
The winding sky bridge connects the city square with the transitional space, which is not only a powerful urban sculpture but also an interesting storyline. From the perspective of children, the designer has created natural and attractive scenes along the road. Here, time and space are interestingly folded here, making the way back home pleasant and cheerful.
▼空中栈桥的设计试图以一种童年的视角,重新唤起人们的好奇心 The design of trestle in the sky attempts to arouse people’s curiosity from a childhood perspective
▼盘旋的森林,绿叶触手可及 Hovering forest, green leaves at your fingertips
▼水边“自然生长”的粗糙岩石缝里长满了杂草 Weeds grow in the rough cracks in the rocks at the water’s edge
▼记忆里的童年都和树有关。当一个人从树上下来时,意味着他的童年已经结束了 The memory of childhood is all about trees. When a man comes down from the tree, his childhood is over
▼精致与粗旷的质感对比 Delicate and rugged texture contrast
▼栈桥的介入使得空间折叠和场景的路径化 The intervention of trestle makes the space folded and the scene pathized
The designer has tried to keep the geological features of the site through landscape, which shows the process of construction and tells the story of the architecture. The building “grows” in the site just like grass and trees, creating some sheltered spaces to dialogue with the surroundings.
▼让场地回复到过去的历史存在状态中去 Return the site to its original state of existence
Unlike many communities that only emphasize value, the project shows its friendliness at every corner. The rough rocks on the site are preserved to build a landscape boundary between the garden and the city square, which also serve as the storyteller and recorder of time and place.
▼友善的边界。人们在这里相遇,又散去,往复循环 friendly edge.People meet here, then leave ,again and again
▼场地里原生的粗粝的岩石垒成了花园与广场的景观边界 The landscape boundary between the garden and the square is formed by the original coarse rocks in the site
▼时间被刻入,从而产生具有力量的纪念感 which also serve as the storyteller and recorder of time and place
The history of the theater is the history of people who act as performers. The designer believes that the existence of the theater is crucial to the establishment of community relations. Building awareness of stage will accelerate the formation of community atmosphere. As the theatre plays its role, the power of space is displayed, and the bonds between people and their homes will be further strengthened.
▼林间剧场 forest theater
▼当一个个“岛”形成,城市的绿链由此产生 When islands are formed, green chains of cities are created
▼建筑下的灰空间 ,激发了新的游戏场所 Grey space under the building
In the roof garden, the scene of “wilderness” is created to provide a completely independent and quiet space which will dialogue with nature and allow people to escape from the busy city life for a while. The sunset of the roof garden and the sunrise seen from the open floor of the building picture a perfect day.
The project expresses the designer’s understanding of beauty in a simple and honest way. For example, tea fields and garden spaces are introduced to remind people of the relations of production.
We hope to rebuild our daily routine with this real and permanent garden, because the routine is an integral part of the ritual of our life.
▼人与人本就没有界限,没有什么比劳作者出现在此时此地更生动的了 There is no limit between human, and nothing can be more vivid than a person appearing here who has returned from work
主创及设计团队:马晓晨 蒲立鹏 朱卉 李智 李明 彭璐
Project name: ZOINA . Southern Shore Mansion
Project location: Guiyang, Guizhou, China
Landscape design: Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Lead designer and design team: Xiaochen Ma, Lipeng Pu, Hui Zhu, Zhi Li, Ming Li, Lu Peng
Architectural design: SHUISHI Design Department 9
Landscape construction: Chongqing Jisheng
Interior design: IAPA / Zhan Bin
Lighting construction: Jiangsu Xi Ruohua
Design area: about 170,000㎡
Year completed: 2019
Photography: Nanxi Images – Xi Rao
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project
更多 Read more about: 山水比德 Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.