波浪大桥,一座50米长的人行天桥,从罗特法公园(Rotfai Park)穿过小水道到达H.M.曼谷北部的诗丽吉王后公园。这不仅要结合实际的差距,还要结合公共项目对城市公园的复杂过程和普遍的看法。

The wave bridge, a 50 – meter – long footbridge, passes through a small waterway from Rotfai Park to queen sirikit park in north of H.M. Bangkok.It is not only necessary to bridge the actual gap, but also to bridge the complicated process and common views of public projects on the city park.





Bangkok’s public green space area is only about 3 square meters per person, while the world health organization ( WHO ) recommends that each city should have at least 9 square meters per person. Each person’s 3 square meters has prepared each green area from the large park to the average planting road. Obviously, the urban area is not only short of green space, but also the greater the capacity, the more widely the urban biodiversity is used and the greater the space is.





在恰图恰克地区,有三个主要的公园毗邻:Rotfai公园、阁下诗丽吉王后公园(广泛称为女王公园)和Jatujak公园(绰号JJ Park)。所有的公园都由曼谷都市管理局(BMA)的公园管理处负责管理,尽管皇后公园由H.M.诗丽吉王后公园基金会。 2002年,1992年和1980年分别向公众开放。三个公园的总面积为116公顷,将成为曼谷最大的公园。它的全部潜力将为这个城市做出巨大的贡献,因为乍都乍社区将成为曼谷新的铁路交通枢纽,当时的Bangsue Grand Station于2019年在女王公园西部开放。未来的城市发展将会有更密集的地区出现,所以更需要休闲绿地。

Three major parks are adjacent to each other in the chactuchak region. Rotfai park, your majesty queen sirikit park ( widely known as queens park ) and jatjak park ( nicknamed jj park ). All parks are managed by the park management office of the Bangkok metropolitan authority ( BMA ), although queen’s park is managed by the h m sirikit queen’s park foundation. It was opened to the public in 2002, 1992 and 1980 respectively. With a total area of 116 hectares, the three parks will become the largest park in Bangkok. Its full potential will make a great contribution to the city, because the minurcat community will become Bangkok’s new railway transportation hub, when bang sue grand station was opened in western queens park in 2019. In the future, urban development will see more densely populated areas and need more leisure green space.





However, due to the complicated intergovernmental coordination caused by the differences in land ownership, the differences in the concepts and plans of various parks and the public’s attention to the existing impacts, BMA’s overall plan to integrate the three parks since 2008 has not achieved the use and cutting of trees. Road users crossing these parks are also opposed to the plan.

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目前,JJ公园有适当的开放式草坪,适合休闲活动,毗邻大众轨道交通站和地铁站,一周内使用得很好,而前泰国高尔夫球场国家铁路局Rotfai Park在上周末期间最受欢迎的是通过相邻的滚动丘之间的自行车路线。

At present, JJ park has an appropriate open lawn, suitable for leisure activities, and is adjacent to mass transit stations and subway stations. it has been well used within one week, while rot fai park, a former national railway bureau of Thailand golf course, was the most popular bicycle route through the adjacent rolling hills during the weekend.





Queen’s park has the lowest number of visitors due to inconvenience in transportation, mainly through private transportation. It is a public transportation system separated from jj park and a highway, and drains are separated from rot fai park. The only contact with rokfield was the temporary erection of a steel bridge from a corner of queen’s park.





Queen’s park has the largest variety of plants in all parks in Bangkok. its main purpose is to collect and display native plants from all parts of Thailand. The bird protection association of Thailand surveys that its biodiversity also attracts most birds. The park dedicated part of the northeastern edge to rot fai park, a ” bird protection area” that allows plants to grow naturally. fallen leaves and branches piled up to provide food and shelter for insects, leaving dead trees in the shallow water of the moat for turtles, lizards and birds. Although it is well known among birdwatchers, the area is considered messy or dirty by some people.





At the southern end of the bird reserve, in 2014, landscape designers proposed ” bird wave bridge” to the board of directors of queens park as a connection point of ” experiment” so as to realize the use of the three parks without waiting for the realization of the overall plan. After a two-year approval process, the $ 60,000 budget for the bridge was approved by the park department and the soft landscape budget was approved by the h m queen sirikit park foundation. The bridge was opened to the public in August 2016.

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Project name: Bird Wave Bridge
Project type: Landscape Bridge
Location: Thailand


