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Thanks ARC·SPACE for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ARC·SPACE.
黑·白·灰建筑空间摄影: 安仁古镇国家宝藏线下体验馆位于大邑县安仁古镇,可以说是《国家宝藏》故宫特展的一个延续。九座错落有致的“方盒子”建筑是由知名建筑师王振飞设计的,整体布局采用了中国多宝阁的构思。
ARC·SPACE: Anren ancient town national treasure offline experience museum is located in Anren ancient town, Dayi County. It can be said that it is a continuation of the special exhibition of National Treasure Palace Museum. The nine well-known “square box” buildings are designed by Wang Zhenfei, a well-known architect.
The overall layout adopts the concept of China Duobao Pavilion. According to the characteristics of the base, the designer continues the design concept of the special exhibition of the Forbidden City, spreads the whole area in the form of Duobao Pavilion, and places nine national treasures in nine “Pavilions”. The white space of Duobao Pavilion naturally provides traffic space and visual sparse Dense voids.
▼细节 details
项目名称: 安仁古镇国家宝藏线下体验馆
完成年份: 2019年
项目地点: 成都市大邑县安仁古镇坝子广场
设计公司: HHDFUN事务所
主创设计师: 王振飞
客户: 华侨城
摄影师: 黑·白·灰建筑空间摄影
联系方式: 13632103553 (微信同号)
邮箱: 970986345qq.com
Project name: Anren ancient town national treasure offline experience museum
Year completed: 2019
Project location: bazi square, anren town, dayi county, chengdu city
Architecture: HHDFUN
Leader designer: Zhenfei Wang
Client: OCT
Photographer: ARC·SPACE
Tel: 13632103553 (same with WeChat)
Email: 970986345 qq.com
更多read more about: HHDFUN事务所