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Thanks YID Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by YID Studio.


易禾上品01 面朝大海,春暖花开 Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom

秋山(Aumont)酒店项目位于泸沽湖景区蒗放码头的环湖路上,临水而居,在美丽的泸沽湖边,面朝格姆女神山。泸沽湖的夏天湖面漂浮着星星点点的水性杨花(Ottelia acuminata),冬天栖息着来自西伯利亚的红嘴鸥,这是属于泸沽湖的独有浪漫。

YID Studio:  The Aumont Hotel Project is situated on the lakeshore road adjacent to Lugu Lake within the Langfang Pier area, boasting a lakeside residency and offering a panoramic view of the Goddess Mountain. During the summer season, the surface of Lugu Lake is adorned with patches of Ottelia acuminata, while in the winter, Siberian red-billed gulls descend to rest, endowing the lake with a distinctive romantic ambiance.




The hotel uses wood, brass, leather and other elements to remove unnecessary formalism, return to the quality of the object itself, function, without pretentious retro texture, in order to meet people’s pursuit of material spirit.


▽酒店外观 Hotel exterior

▽公共空间 Public space
▽复古的风格调性 Retro style tone



With unique medieval style design, it creates a cozy and comfortable rest place for traveler passing by. In Aumont, stay, drink, and rest in the water, read extensively, get lost in the beauty of the scenery.



02 向阳而生,逐光而行 Born to the sun, walk by the light


The lakeside , bathed in the warmth of its reddened exterior paint, suggest the building emerged naturally from the very earth. Constructed over three levels, with six rooms that afford a panoramic and varied appreciation of the scenery, the design of Aumont diverges from the profit-oriented logic typical of local bed-and-breakfasts and hotels, instead embracing a lifestyle that is picturesque and idyllic.


▽庭院 courtyard



The staircase, previously bisected, was ingeniously reconfigured by the architect to assume a circular-shaped , and illuminated from above, it evolves into an enchanting patio amidst the staircase, which suffuses the space on the first floor with luminosity. The wall’s punctuations of varying circular holes introduce an “unbridled” interest to the stairwell, infusing it with a unique charm.


▽有趣的回形楼梯天井 Interesting spiral stairway patio



Contrary to regular, sterile, and emotionally detached spatial designs, an environment brimming with love and zest for life evokes a deeper emotional resonance.



03 放慢步调,享受当下 Slow down and enjoy the moment

日本设计师吉冈德仁(Tokujin Yoshioka)说:“设计可以引导出像感情般没有形体的细微感知,设计师是为设计感觉和情绪而存在的。”

Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka says, “Design can evoke subtle sensations like emotions that have no physical form. Designers exist to create feelings and emotions.”




As you pass by the stairs and enter the guest room area, the story of travel and space truly begins. The extremely restrained lighting in the room allows guests to calm down and escape from the daily hustle and bustle, which is the designer’s original intention for the design.


▽客房 Guest room



Step inside, and the magnificence of Goddess Mountain and the gentle nature of Lake Lugu will greet you. Its existence in the quiet reminds you to just stay here and enjoy the beauty.




With a vintage-style furniture, a rice-colored visual tone, and a warm and simple interior design, the designer has combined these elements to create a painting about purifying the mind.




The walls are made of earth tones, stretching out but also restrained, disappearing unintentionally. At this point, the space is no longer a container, but a background, allowing you to examine your inner self and reflect on yourself.




The sunlight streaming in through the windows falls gently on the soft sofa, or is projected onto the wall with a gentle light halo through the soft white curtains.




No matter how beautiful the scenery is, there will come a day when you get tired of it. The designer uses a variety of sensory experiences, including sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, to make Aumont a synonym for “pleasant time”. By getting close to nature, culture, life, and oneself, the designer creates a space that is both relaxing and inspiring.




Slowly, the mood unfolds lazily, long and calm, unobtrusively possessing a quiet power…





Project Name:AUMONT
Project Area:Architecture 600㎡,Garden 100㎡
Project Location:Lugu Lake,Yunnan,China
Project Type:Resort Hotel
Design Year:2021.3
Completed Year:2022.4
Design Company:YID Studio
Cheif Designer:YiPing
Decoration Designer:Yi Ping,Meng Nanxin
Material:Paint,Lime stone,Old wood
Photagraghy:Li Heng,Mutou
Cooperation:Cong Mu Furniture Customizationg




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