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enrico sassi architetto:在阿尔佐开采的沉积角砾岩一般被称为阿尔佐大理石。这种石材的开采始于 1300 年,曾在整个欧洲使用。2009 年,历经六代人经营的 Rossi & Ci.公司倒闭,2011 年,Patriziato di Arzo 收购了这些建筑,打算重新开发整个地区并重新开采石料。
enrico sassi architetto:The sedimentary breccia found in Arzo is generally known as Arzo marble. The quarrying of this stone, which was used throughout Europe, started in 1300. In 2009, having been in operation for six generations, the Rossi & Ci. company folded, and in 2011 the Patriziato di Arzo acquired the buildings, with the intention of redeveloping the entire area and re-starting quarrying.

项目地点包括连接阿尔佐和梅里德的州级公路沿线的大理石采石场(Macchiavecchia),采石场山脚下有一台大型起重机和一些大理石砌块;我们在这里发现了旧的棚屋和有屋顶的建筑,石材砌块就是在这里切割,然后再进一步加工的。在树林深处,我们发现了一个用作仓库的区域,而后又发现了“布罗卡特罗(Broccatello)”大理石采石场,以及一个过去用于提取惰性材料的大型区域,这里被称为 Ex-Cava Caldelari ,是一个具有丰富自然多样性的地方。从地质学和古生物学的角度来看,整个地区都属于一个地层,其中包括三叠纪和侏罗纪时期具有国际科学价值的岩石。自 2003 年以来,该地区一直是联合国教科文组织圣乔治山遗址缓冲区的一部分。另一个因其地质学意义而闻名于世的地区是 Cava Caldelari,许多关于阿尔卑斯山构造阶段和古地理学的著作都证明了这一点。这里出现了 Tremona 地层(又称 Retico emerge)的岩石,以及布罗卡特罗地层的岩石,其化石集中成滩或成片(主要是腕足类、板壳类和海绵类),可追溯到侏罗纪时期(距今 1.99-1.45 亿年前)。该地区的植被适应渗水、潮湿和干燥的栖息地以及环境恶劣的草地。在动物方面,采石场是直翅目昆虫、鳞翅目昆虫、爬行动物和鸟类的重要栖息地。
The project site includes the marble quarry known as Macchiavecchia along the cantonal road that connects Arzo and Meride, identifiable by a large crane and a number of marble blocks at the foot of the quarry face; here we find the old sheds and the covered structure where blocks were first cut before being further processed. Deeper in the wood, we find an area that was used as a depot, before coming to the “Broccatello” marble quarry and to a large area formerly used for the extraction of inert materials known as Ex-Cava Caldelari, a site of great natural diversity. From the geological and paleontological point of view, the entire area is part of a geotope that includes rocks of worldwide scientific interest dating back to the Triassic and Jurassic periods. Since 2003 the area has been part of the buffer zone of the Monte San Giorgio UNESCO site. Another area known the world over for its geological significance is the former Cava Caldelari, as witness numerous publications on the tectonic phases and the palaeogeography of the Alps. Here the rocks of the Tremona formation, also known as Retico emerge, together with the rocks of the Broccatello and their fossil concentrations in banks or pockets (mainly brachiopods, crinoids and sponges) dating back to the Jurassic period (199-145 million years ago). The vegetation of the area is characterised by seepage, wet and dry ruderal habitats, rough grassland. As for the fauna, the quarries are imporant habitats for species such as orthoptera, lepidoptera, reptiles and birds.

该项目由 Patriziato di Arzo 发起,并于 2012 年受托对该地区的潜在价值进行了初步研究。项目从一开始就得到了 ERS-MB (Ente Regionale Sviluppo Mendrisiotto e Basso Ceresio,门德里西奥和巴索塞雷西奥地区发展研究所)的支持,并得到了门德里西奥旅游局(Mendrisiotto Turismo)和圣乔治山基金会(Fondazione Monte San Gorgio)的赞助。
该地区的重新开发和建筑物的再利用项目主要集中在三个方面:教育小径(一条通往上方树林中的古老采石场小路)、天然圆形剧场(一个重新利用并宣传废弃的 Cava Caldelari 大剧场的项目,该剧场占地约 4500 平方米,具有丰富的自然多样性)、采石场车间(将古代加工大理石的棚屋改造成车间和展览空间)。
The project was started by the Patriziato di Arzo who commissioned an initial study on the potential of the area in 2012. From the very start the project was supported by ERS-MB (Ente Regionale Sviluppo Mendrisiotto e Basso Ceresio, the Regional Development Institute for the Mendrisiotto and Basso Ceresio districts), and was able to count on the patronage of the Mendrisiotto Turismo (Mendrisiotto Tourism Board) and Fondazione Monte San Gorgio (Monte San Giorgio Foundation).
The project for the redevelopment of the area and for the re-use of the buildings focussed on three areas: the educational trail (a path that leads to the ancient quarries in the wood above), the natural amphitheatre (a project for the reuse and promotion of the great disused Cava Caldelari approximately 4,500 square metres of rich natural diversity; the quarry workshop (the conversion of the ancient sheds where marble was processed into workshops and exhibition spaces)

教育小径——在现有的大理石采石场上方,有许多古老的、现已废弃的采石场。这是一条组织和引导通往废弃采石坑的步行路线(教育小径),并沿途展示不同的采石技术和工具(凿子、螺旋钢丝)以及开采出的各种石材(红色马奇亚维奇亚大理石、罗索阿尔佐大理石、布罗卡泰罗大理石)。在小径的起点处,一座新建筑内设有公共厕所。混凝土板由通过粉碎大理石专门获得的惰性材料制成,表面经过抛光处理,使其显露出来。公共厕所所在的建筑完全由大理石砌块建成,半透明的顶棚由 HEB 钢梁支撑,大门由氧化金属格栅制成。该建筑从上方采光,从屋顶和墙壁之间的开放带自然通风。盥洗台由一块手工开采的古老大理石制成。墙体由不同表面和饰面的大理石块砌成。
The Educational Trail – Above the current marble quarry there are a number of old, now disused quarries. The project entails organising and marking a pedestrian route (an educational trail) to the disused caves revealing the different quarrying techniques (chisel, helical wire) and the various types of stone that were exctracted (red Macchiavecchia, Rosso Arzo, Broccatello). At the start of the trail a new building houses the public conveniences. The concrete slab is made from inert materials specially obtained by crushing marble, and the surface has been polished to reveal them. The building that houses the public conveniences is entirely built from marble blocks and its translucent canopy is supported by HEB steel beams. The doors are made from oxidised metal grills. The structure is lit from above and naturally ventilated from the open band between the roof and walls. The washbasin was made from an ancient hand-quarried block of marble. The walls were built from blocks of marble with different surfaces and finishes.

天然露天剧场——Cava Caldelari 是一个在地质学和古生物学以及动植物方面都具有重要意义的地区。“露天剧场”是与环境工程公司 Oikos 2000 合作开发的关于空间组织的项目,通过利用场地的自然特征创建特定的生物群落,在保护重要自然环境的同时,实现了空间的可达性。项目清理了一个堆满采石碎料的区域,现在取而代之的是四排用大理石块制成的半圆形排列的台阶式座椅,可用于举办公共活动。一条由当地黑槐木修建的木质人行道沿着采石场面一直延伸至沼泽地带。人行道通往一个由钢筋混凝土墙(旧破碎厂的基座)组成的区域——全景观景台(baluardo panoramico),在这里可以俯瞰采石场,并设有三张用大理石板制成的桌子,通过加装钢筋栏杆,该区域变得更加安全。用木材和大理石制成的楼梯将小径与上面的另一条人行道连接起来。此外,还新建了两个生物群落:一个是收集该地区雨水的小池塘,另一个是小动物的生物群落——一个由大理石块堆砌而成的小丘,再现了为修建座位而拆除的栖息地。
The Natural Amphitheatre – The former Cava Caldelari is an area of great significance in terms of geology and paleontology, as well as for its flora and fauna. The project known as “Natural Amphitheatre” has been developed in collaboration with the environmental engineering firm Oikos 2000 and involves the organisation of spaces to make them accessible while preserving particularly significant natural environments, by creating specific biotopes that capitalise on the natural features of the site. The project has cleared an area that was cluttered with quarrying detritus, now replace by four rows of seats made from marble blocks, arranged in a semi-circle. The steps can be used as seating and allow the staging of public events. A timber walkway was built in locally sourced black locust wood to extend the footpath across the marshland area along the quarry face. The trail leads to an area characterised by some imposing reinforced concrete walls (the base of the old crushing plant) which have been made safe by the addition of a railing made from rebars. This area – known as the baluardo panoramico (the belvedere) overlooks the quarry and has been fitted with three tables made from marble slabs. A stair made from timber and marble connects the trail to another footpath above it. Two new biotopes were also created: a small pond where rainwater from the area is collected, and a biotope for small animals – a mound of piled marble blocks that recreates the habitat removed to make way for seating.

The Quarry Workshop – The quarry workshop project reuses and upgrades the ancient buildings of the original production facility, which consists of two discrete volumes: the main building (known as the marble shed) and a secondary building that organises access and circulation. The elevation of the main building faces on to the cantonal road and is entirely built from marble blocks. This unique feature is highlighted by a new roof cover that emphasises the material and construction technique. The new roof has no drainage gutter and is set back from the plane of the facade, so that rainfall drips onto the marble blocks, enhancing their colour. The openings in the original facade (a door and three windows) were sealed with marble slabs to give the elevation material uniformity: the facade appears as a single large block of marble in which the traces of the original facade are etched. The old roof cover has been replaced. However, the unique, original timber truss of the marble shed has been retained. To ensure the static safety of the roof, the ancient truss is now flanked by two new steel trusses. The main volume of the building that organises circulation has been covered with a new roof, clad in marble slabs. All other volumes are covered with corrugated transparent polycarbonate panels which allow spaces to be lit zenithally.

新的公共厕所的地板由阿尔佐大理石、灰色马奇亚维奇亚大理石和阿尔普绿色大理石交替铺设而成;洗手盆用一块古老的阿尔佐红色大理石用凿子手工雕刻而成。原有的两扇钢门和建筑内部的两扇古老木门都得到了修复和再利用。车间空间被保留了下来,原来处理石料的机器也得到了修复。在“大理石营房”内,1925 年制造的一台古老的柴油发动机驱动着一个飞轮,而飞轮又带动着一根螺旋形钢丝,螺旋线通过直立的底座支撑和飞轮系统与外部相连,用于演示用螺旋线切割大理石的技术。
New public conveniences were built with floors made by alternating strips of Arzo marble, grey Macchiavecchia and Alp green marble; the washbasin was carved from an ancient block of Arzo red marble extracted manually, with a chisel. The two original steel doors were restored and reused, as were two ancient wooden doors inside the building. The workshop spaces have been retained, and the original machinery for handling stone has been restored. Inside the ‘marble barracks’ an ancient Hatz diesel engine from 1925 operates a flywheel which in turn activates a helical wire. The wire is connected to the outside by a system of upright base supports and flywheels, and is used to demonstrate the technique for cutting marble with a helical wire.

项目名称: 阿尔佐采石场
日期:2011-2017 年
面积:5,000 平方米
成本:1,200,000 瑞郎
客户:Patriziato di Arzo
建筑师:Enrico Sassi
合作者:Roberta Blasi, Irene Lucca
土木工程师:Pietro Brenni, Brenni Engineering SA
环境工程师和景观顾问:Oikos 2000 Sagl
电工工程师:Dante Solcà, Elettro Dinamic Sagl
平面和网页设计:Valentina Rossi
承包商:Riva Costruzioni SA
挖掘、运输和放置石块:Contrabi SA
石材切割:Nuova Fresabeton SA
石匠:Valentina Rossi, Oreste Rossi
林业公司:Eco 2000 SA
电工:Arrigo G&A SA
水管工:Fieni Danilo e figlio SA
屋顶:Fratelli Colombo Sagl
金属工:Roberto Stefanetti SA
地板商:Manutecnica SA
木匠:Antonio Cattaneo
油漆工:Marco Rossi
密封:Isoresine SA
干冰爆破:Moor Sabbiatura Criogenica
机械师:Giovanni Ballerini, Orio Bianchi, Giovanni Pagani, Brunello Pontiggia, Gianpiero Rossi
摄影师:Alberto Canepa, Luca Ferrario, Gian Paolo Minelli, Marcelo Villada Ortiz, Filippo&Donatella Simonetti, Jacques Perler
Project Name: Cave di Arzo
Dates: 2011-2017
Surface area: 5’000 mq
Cost: 1’200’000 chf
Client: Patriziato di Arzo
Architect: Enrico Sassi
Collaborators: Roberta Blasi, Irene Lucca
Civil engineer: Pietro Brenni, Brenni Engineering SA
Environmental engineer and landscape consultant: Oikos 2000 Sagl
Electrotechnical engineer: Dante Solcà, Elettro Dinamic Sagl
Graphic and web design: Valentina Rossi
Contractor: Riva Costruzioni SA
Excavation, transport and placement of stones: Contrabi SA
Stone cutting: Nuova Fresabeton SA
Stonemasons: Valentina Rossi, Oreste Rossi
Forestry company: Eco 2000 SA
Electrician: Arrigo G&A SA
Plumber: Fieni Danilo e figlio SA
Roofer: Fratelli Colombo Sagl
Metalworker: Roberto Stefanetti SA
Flooring: Manutecnica SA
Carpenter: Antonio Cattaneo
Painter: Marco Rossi
Seals: Isoresine SA
Dry-ice blasting: Moor Sabbiatura Criogenica
Mechanics: Giovanni Ballerini, Orio Bianchi, Giovanni Pagani, Brunello Pontiggia, Gianpiero Rossi
Photographers: Alberto Canepa, Luca Ferrario, Gian Paolo Minelli,
Marcelo Villada Ortiz, Filippo&Donatella Simonetti, Jacques Perler
“ 由 Patriziato di Arzo 发起的地区重建和阿尔佐采石场建筑再利用项目经历了一个漫长而复杂的酝酿过程;最终所取得的成果是经过反复讨论、不断质疑和调整最初想法的结果。”
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