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Leclercq Associés:在拉格兰德莫特(La Grande Motte)建成 50 周年庆典之际,Leclercq Associés 事务所重新设计了蓬皮杜码头和塔巴利码头,其设计的灵感正来源于这片修建于 20 世纪 70 年代的海滨度假胜地。
新的海滨长廊标志着 Ville Port(城市港口)项目迈向了充满希望的新篇章。
Leclercq Associés:On the occasion of La Grande Motte’s 50th anniversary, the Leclercq Associés agency has redesigned the Pompidou and Tabarly docks, a project inspired by the codes of the 1970s seaside resort.
This new promenade marks a promising first step for the continuation of the Ville Port (city-port) project.
« The Florida of Tomorrow »
然而,Jean Balladur 于 1963 年构想的这座未来派城市却是环保城市主义的典范,它倡导现代与自然并重的生活方式,崇尚步行生活和缓慢的日常节奏。Balladur 从墨西哥特奥蒂瓦坎市的玛雅金字塔和巴西利亚的白色混凝土曲线中汲取灵感,成功地将现代建筑的几何金字塔形状与海岸沙丘和塞文山脉融为一体。
La Grande Motte has long epitomized the massive concrete development of the coastline and symbolized the clichés of popular tourism.
However, the futuristic city envisioned by Jean Balladur in 1963 is a model of environmental urbanism, promoting lifestyles that are both modern and nature-oriented, favoring pedestrian life and the slow rhythm of the sun’s course. Inspired by the Mayan pyramids of Teotihuacan and the white concrete curves of Brasilia, Balladur managed to blend the geometry of modern architecture with its pyramidal shapes, with the coastal dunes and the Cévennes mountains.
景观设计师 Pierre Pillet 设计的一个由三万多棵树木组成的森林网络,在五十年后,仍旧以同等数量的伞松、梧桐和白杨保护着这座朗格多克城市免受风沙和盐分的侵袭。毫无疑问,拉格兰德莫特已是一座与天空、大地和海洋融为一体的蓝绿交织的城市。
Landscape architect Pierre Pillet designed a forest network of over thirty thousand trees, and fifty years later, an equal number of umbrella pines, plane trees, and white poplars protect the Languedoc city from the assaults of salt and wind. La Grande Motte has undoubtedly become a green and blue city, in touch with the sky, earth, and sea.
拉格兰德莫特从一个度假胜地发展成为一个成熟的城市,全年与蒙彼利埃城市群中的邻近地区互动。然而,以港口为中心的市中心需要进行重大改造。这就是 Leclercq Associés 事务所的使命,该事务所在此推出了一个雄心勃勃的项目的试点阶段,它将与该地区的进步精神重新联系在一起,应对未来潜在的重大领土和社会变革。
作为朗格多克航海业的展示窗口,Ville Port 项目致力于应对 21 世纪的重大挑战,旨在成为一个具有复原力和可持续发展能力的城市典范,在延续 Balladur 未来派城市姿态的同时加以更新。
From a summer resort occupied by vacationers, La Grande Motte is also striving to become a fullfledged city, living year-round in interaction with the neighboring territories of the Pays de l’Or in the Montpellier agglomeration. Nevertheless, the city center, centered around the port, required significant renovation. This is the mission undertaken by the Leclercq Associés agency, which here delivers the first stage of an ambitious project that reconnects with the progressive spirit of the place, anticipating the major territorial and social changes to come.
Showcase of the Languedoc Nautical Industry, the Ville Port project rindeed addresses the major challenges of the 21st century and aims to be a model of a resilient and sustainable city, continuing the Balladurian gesture while updating it.
▽改造前后对比 Before and after
首先,该项目通过激活港口的公共空间,将 Levant 和 Couchant 两个社区连接在一起:著名的海滨长廊从海滩延伸到海滩,随后又建造了一个新的 Colline 社区。
新的社区成为连接 Levant 和 Couchant 社区的纽带,在由自然和景观元素组成的后港口与目前矿产丰富的港口之间建立起景观过渡。最后,它提供了创新的生活方式,与这座最初设计为 “未来主义 ”的城市相呼应。
Firstly, it brings together the Levant and Couchant neighborhoods by activating the public spaces of the port: the famous promenade from beach to beach, followed by the construction of the new Colline district.
The new district becomes the link between the Levant and Couchant neighborhoods,establishing the landscape transition between the back- port composed of natural and landscaped elements and the currently very mineral port. Finally, it offers innovative ways of living, worthy of a city initially designed as «futuristic».
Jean Balladur 的遗作唤起了建筑环境与自然之间的紧密联系,这也是项目的指导思想:为植被留出大量空间,鼓励以漫步、运动和观察广阔视野为目的的行为和使用,并将自然元素和生物气候因素置于设计的核心位置。
The housing units are organized around a foundation of possibilities and fertile ground, offering new ways of living by hybridizing work and living spaces.
Jean Balladur’s legacy evokes a strong connection between the built environment and nature, which has guided the project: giving significant space to vegetation, encouraging behaviors and uses aimed at strolling, sports, and observing vast horizons, and placing natural elements and bioclimatic considerations at the very heart of the design.
蓬皮杜码头重现节日气氛 Pompidou docks Regains its Festive Atmosphere
码头以长廊和广场的双重逻辑进行组织,以适应季节性和船民的生活方式。整个步行和骑行区域的设计可应对密集的人流与使用,尤其是在夏季。一条 1.5 公里长的海滨长廊将海滩与海滩连接起来,环绕着港口,7 米宽的码头净空加倍,绿树成荫。
La Grande Motte is an outdoor city. Its vibrant local life is reflected in the intense use of public spaces. The port promenade is the backbone of this vitality, serving as a hub for movement, socializing, commerce, and festivity.
The docks are organized with a dual logic of promenades and plazas, accommodating the seasonality and lifestyle of boaters. The entire pedestrian and cycling area is designed to handle intense flows and uses, especially during the summer. A 1.5-kilometer promenade, with a 7-meter wide quay freeboard doubled with a tree-lined overwidth, connects beach to beach, circling the port.
另一个重要问题是该项目应对日益频繁的高温与热浪的能力。种植 245 棵落叶树和移植 50 棵棕榈树是一个初步的解决方案。但是,在保持原有硬质铺面和植被存在之间取得平衡的同时,还要考虑到这些公共空间的日照问题。现有的和规划的城市形态需要在冬季创造阳光充足的空间,其余季节则需遮阳,并提供凉爽的城市“岛屿”。
In addition to the installation of urban furniture that aligns with this ambition, the requalification of Pompidou docks extended to the façades. To restore visibility to the iconic architecture of the seaside resort, the Leclercq agency designed new glass extensions for the ground-floor shops, expanded the terraces, and worked on the continuity of the paving up to the port basins.
Another important issue is the development’s ability to respond to increasingly frequent heat waves. Planting 245 deciduous trees and transplanting fifty palm trees is an initial solution. But this balance between the original mineral quality and the presence of vegetation is accompanied by a thoughtful approach to the sunlight exposure of these public spaces. The existing and projected urban morphology creates sunlit spaces in winter, others shaded year-round, and provides urban cool islands.
从家具设计到地面的图案和纹理细节,全都延伸了 Jean Balladur 对整体作品的构想。
Finally, the public space lives according to several temporalities: from strolling to daily jogging, from long summer evenings to major annual events such as the boating fair and festivals…
The width of the dock allows for the deployment of seating furniture, colorful geometric patterned shade structures, a market, and the creation of plazas and spaces for activities linked to the city center.
This extends Jean Balladur’s vision of a total work, from the design of furniture to the patterns and textures of the ground.
At dusk, lighting masts gently illuminate the docks, creating urban stage effects, while pedestrian lights highlight shapes inspired by the architectural features of the surrounding buildings.
A new universe emerges, blending plant shadows and architectural patterns.
▽设计图纸 Design drawings
项目名称:La Ball*ade
项目地点:法国 La Grande Motte
景观设计:Leclercq Associés
项目业主:La Grande Motte 市
项目经理:L’Or Aménagement
景观建筑师-城市规划师、协调员和首席承包商:Agence Leclercq Associés
种植和地板铺设现场监督:Agence Guillermin
照片来源:© Permitin Andrey
无人机航拍:© Pierre-Louis Leclercq
“ 码头公共空间的设计延续了这座未来派城市的精神,倡导现代与自然并重的生活方式,崇尚步行生活与缓慢的日常节奏。”
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