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Thanks Lucas & Lucas for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Lucas & Lucas.
Lucas & Lucas:2012年我们第一次来到这处庄园时,房屋就已经在进行探索性的拆改之中了。一片很好的橄榄树园很快地吸引了我的注意,这片林子毗邻庄园,占据了这6英亩场地上的大部分可用地,它的南部是葡萄园,北部是荒地。这里优良的景色给人带来很好的体验感,就像身处世外桃源,是一处真正令人舒适的理想环境。
Lucas & Lucas: Upon first arrival at this inhabited property in 2012, the existing home was already under exploratory demolition and remodeling plans were underway. I was immediately taken by the well-established Olive Tree grove that resided directly adjacent to the home and occupied a major portion of usable ground on this 6 acre site abutting vineyards to the south and wild lands to the north. The place had an excellent sense of prospect and refuge, the ideal setting for true comfort.

Unique opportunities for outdoor living were eventually developed below the canopy of these open and wild Olive trees (once septic lines were relocated) and a swimming pool was placed in the only available sunny spot, the front yard, neatly concealed from the arrival area by a hedge that screens the space from view.

Further exploration of the property located a rocky knoll that was overgrown with scrubby shrubs and bramble, later transformed into a picturesque lawn and promontory with a wonderful fire pit tucked into the unearthed rocky outcropping.

▼夜晚,火苗在火坑里跳跃 The flame is jumping in the wonderful fire pit

Formal trails that play off of the two grids of home and olive grove unite the garden and provide access to the many component parts that make up this unique estate property just minutes from the town square in Sonoma. Completed in 2017, this extensive project was a true testament of commitment for all parties involved.

景观/建筑公司:Lucas & Lucas
主创设计师:Mike Lucas
设计团队:Patrick Printy Design Firm. Architect, Beaven & Associates
图片版权:Suzanne Becker Bronk
Project name: Modern Classic Estate
Completion Year: 2017
Size: 6 Acres
Project location: Sonoma, California
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Lucas & Lucas
Website: www.lucas-lucas.com
Contact e-mail: Hello@lucas-lucas.com
Lead Architects: Mike Lucas
Design Team: Patrick Printy Design Firm. Architect, Beaven & Associates
Photo credits: Suzanne Becker Bronk
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