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Ferran Ventura Blanch:E4 展馆·室外高效教育空间(E4)是马拉加大学的一个研究项目,旨在提供一个可复制的创新教室,允许在室外进行教学。

Ferran Ventura Blanch:Pavilion E4. Efficient Outdoor Educational Space (E4), is a research project of the University of Malaga to provide with a replicable avant-garde classroom that allows teaching outside.



通过对建筑形式和几何形状的定义(包括参数化设计),设计在室外空间和创新教室之间找到了平衡,为马拉加大学 Teatinos 校园绿岛中的一间教室提供优化的空调系统支持。

Halfway between an outdoor space and a cutting-edge classroom, through the definition of its architectural form and geometry, which includes parametric design, with the optimized support of air conditioning systems for a classroom integrated into a Campus Green Island of Teatinos of the University of Malaga.



这个新的空间具有众多功能:了解其环境并与之协作;允许对空间进行调节并获得舒适的条件;能够定义 E4 运行所需的空调系统;在建筑中应用人工智能技术;监控空间的气候和使用控制。

This new space can: Understand its environment and work with it collaboratively; allow the conditioning and obtaining of comfortable conditions of the space; be able to define the air conditioning systems necessary for the operation of the E4; the application of Artificial Intelligence technologies for application in architecture; monitoring the space for climate and use control.




The pavilion is not only born from a research project but once built it aims to serve as support for future research.



▽细节 Detail


▽内部空间 Inner space


▽项目图纸 Project drawings




项目名称: Pabellón E4. Espacio Educativo Exterior Eficiente
面积:120 平方米
项目地点:西班牙 马拉加

设计公司:Ferran Ventura Blanch、Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano
联系电子邮件:ferranventura@uma.es / jgavilanes@uma.es
首席建筑师:Ferran Ventura Blanch、Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano
研究团队:Fernando Domínguez Muñoz、Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio、Antonio González Herrera、Joaquín Ortega Casanova、 José Manuel García-Manrique Ocaña
客户:Vicerrectorado de Smart Campus. 马拉加大学
合作者:Daniel García-Parra Pomares、Elena Enciso Martínez、 Raul Ruiz Alaminos、Vishal Shahdadpuri Aswani

图片来源:Fernando Alda

Project Name: Pabellón E4. Espacio Educativo Exterior Eficiente
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 120m2
Project Location: Málaga (Spain)

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Ferran Ventura Blanch, Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano
Website: https://www.uma.es/smart-campus/noticias/e4/
Contact e-mail: ferranventura@uma.es / jgavilanes@uma.es
Lead Architects: Ferran Ventura Blanch, Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano
Research Team: Fernando Domínguez Muñoz, Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio, Antonio González Herrera, Joaquín Ortega Casanova, José Manuel García-Manrique Ocaña
Clients: Vicerrectorado de Smart Campus. Universidad de Málaga
Collaborators: Daniel García-Parra Pomares, Elena Enciso Martínez, Raul Ruiz Alaminos, Vishal Shahdadpuri Aswani

Photo Credits: Fernando Alda
Photographer’s Website: https://www.fernandoalda.com/



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: Ferran Ventura Blanch, Juan Gavilanes Vélaz de Medrano