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enrico sassi architetto:巴勒纳日间治疗中心内有一个花园,但由于结构上的一些障碍,病人们(受认知障碍影响的老年人)无法享用这个花园。这座花园由不同高度的两层组成,现已废弃。


enrico sassi architetto:The Balerna diurnal therapeutic Centre Pro Senectute had a garden that its patients, who are aged people affected by cognitive disturbances, were prevented from enjoying it by several architectonic barriers. The garden, composed of two levels placed at two different heights, was abandoned.

Cognitive disturbances distort the capacity of orienting oneself in space and time and the faculty of discerning shapes and colours; ageing and its connected pathologies bring about a progressive decrease of self-sufficiency, and, as a consequence, of mobility skills. Because of this, planning an area intended for people affected by dementia or ambulation problems has to address specific requirements. The “Sensory Garden” is a recognizable and reassuring place, in which to experience a sense of freedom and relax. At the same time, it was conceived with a sensory stimulation therapeutic program in mind.


© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada



巴勒纳日间治疗中心的花园由两个功能和外观不同的区域组成:坡道系统和环形回路。连接建筑和花园(落差 3.20 米)的坡道和平台系统由宽 1.5 米、长 6 米的缓坡组成。坡道的坡度始终小于 6%,即使没有人陪同,残障人士也可以在坡道上行走。这些坡道全部平行于现有的一面墙体而设置。

It is an open but well delimited and protected space, appearing as an accessible, simple, and tidy “normal” garden with a sense of serenity and well-being to counterbalance aggressiveness; thus, the garden becomes a therapeutic device in itself.

The garden of the Balerna diurnal therapeutic centre is composed of two areas with different functions and appearances: the system of ramps and the ring circuit. The system of ramps and landings connecting the building and the garden (drop of 3.20 metres), is composed of ramps 1.5 metres wide and 6 metres long. Their slope is always less than 6%, allowing disabled people to walk on them, even if unaccompanied. The ramps run parallel to a preexisting wall.


© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada


第三条坡道旁设有 14 张木桌,这些木桌连接在一起组成了一个种满芳香植物(如薰衣草、百里香、鼠尾草、薄荷和迷迭香)的悬空花园。

The third ramp of the path is marked, in its highest pick, by a sequence of 14 wooden tables, which compose a hanging garden of aromatic herbs (such as lavender, thyme, sage, mint, and rosemary).


© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada



The edge of the table can be used as handrail, while the tables allow even wheelchair bound patients to come closer to the garden, and stimulate the senses of touch and smell.


© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada


花园的最底层矗立着一个古老的铁制凉棚,现已得到保留和修复。“感官花园”的环形路线宽 1.50 米,大轴长 32.7 米,小轴长 8 米,小路总长 67 米。沿着环形回路设置的不同兴趣点清晰可辨:一个用木头铺成的小空间,放置着两张长凳和一个用古老的 Arzo 大理石雕刻的喷泉;一棵黑桑树,树下有一个圆形的木凳;凉棚上攀附着不同种类的攀缘植物;花坛里种满了在一年中不同时节盛开的颜色各异的花。

At the lowest level of the garden stood an ancient iron pergola, which has been kept and restored. The ring circuit of the sensory garden is a 1.50 metres wide route. Its greater axe measures 32.7 metres, the smaller one 8 metres, while the path is 67 metres long. Along the circuit, different clearly recognizable interest points stand out: a small place paved with wood with two benches and a fountain carved in an ancient block of Arzo marble, a tree (Morus nigra) under which a round-shaped wood bench has been built, the pergola with different kind of climbers on it, flowerbeds full of flowers in different colours, blooming at different times of the year.


© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada



The mulch around the ring circuit is made of grey gravel, so that the path, paved with artificial red stone, is clearly visible by means of chromatic opposition.


© Enrico Sassi




The vegetation demarcates the paths and the relaxing points, and divides the garden from the external space. The different plants used in the garden are not prickly, sharp or toxic, because often patients tend to taste everything they find around them. The garden enclosure, intertwined with vegetation, is covered by jasmine (jasminium) to give the illusion of being in an open space.

Water is an important presence: patients may drink or touch it in the specifically designed fountain, and it also produces a pleasant and relaxing sound falling into the basin.


© Marcelo Villada


▽水景 Waterscape

© Marcelo Villada
© Marcelo Villada


▽雕塑 Sculpture

© Marcelo Villada


▽材料细节 Details of Materials

© Marcelo Villada
© Enrico Sassi
© Enrico Sassi


▽设计草图 Sketch

© enrico sassi architetto
© enrico sassi architetto


▽设计图纸 Design drawing

© enrico sassi architetto
© enrico sassi architetto




总面积:530 平方米
总成本:230000 瑞士法郎

设计:Enrico Sassi, architect
合作者:Irene Lucca,Roberta Blasi
发起人:Rotary Club Mendrisiotto
客户:Pro Senectute Ticino、 Moesano
施工:Camponovo SA, Mendrisio
花园建设:Olimpio Vidal, Morbio Inferiore
木结构:Eco 2000, Riva San Vitale
金属结构:Carlo Nessi, Morbio Inferiore
专业的绿色中心,Mezzana:Mauro Poli;Renato Farenga 国际业务总监
摄影师:Marcelo Villada

植被:JardinSusse Ticino 捐赠
大理石:Patriziato di Arzo 捐赠
雕塑:Fonderia d’Arte Perseo, Medrisio 捐赠

Project Name: Sensory Garden
Location: Switzerland
Total Squared metres: 530
Total cost: 230’000.- CHF

Architecture: Enrico Sassi, architect
Collaborators: Irene Lucca, Roberta Blasi
Promoter: Rotary Club Mendrisiotto
Customer: Pro Senectute Ticino and Moesano
Enterprise of construction: Camponovo SA, Mendrisio
Construction of the garden: Olimpio Vidal, Morbio Inferiore
Wood constructions: Eco 2000, Riva San Vitale
Metal constructions: Carlo Nessi, Morbio Inferiore
Professional centre of the green, Mezzana:
Mauro Poli, instructor professional knowledge
Renato Farenga inter business director
Photographer: Marcelo Villada

Vegetation: donation JardinSusse Ticino
Marble: donation Patriziato di Arzo
Sculpture: donation Fonderia d’Arte Perseo, Medrisio



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