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Project group 8:白花大道(White Flowers Boulevard)从一个停车场变成了一个充满活力的公共公园,这一重大的转变彰显了城市再开发在改善社区生活品质方面的力量。

Project group 8:White Flowers Boulevard represents a remarkable transformation from a car park into a vibrant public park, highlighting the power of urban redevelopment to enhance community life.





Previously, the location was a paid car park cluttered with construction waste and trucks, posing safety hazards due to the hazardous mix of pedestrians and vehicles. The lack of a safe, continuous pedestrian route from residential areas to essential services like public transport stops and schools further compounded the issues.

Moreover, the parking spaces contributed to urban alienation by becoming zones for unsystematic commercial developments, such as shops and business centers, which did not necessarily serve the community’s needs. The redevelopment into a park aims to reclaim this space for public use, fostering a sense of community and belonging.





The primary goal of White Flowers Boulevard’s transformation is to prioritize public interests by creating a common space devoid of the perils and barriers posed by vehicle-centric design. This initiative is a response to the privatization tendencies that threatened to convert abandoned public spaces into commercial zones, thereby alienating the residents.

Through this redevelopment, White Flowers Boulevard now serves as an alternative center for the district, offering a safe, accessible, and inviting environment for pedestrians. The transformation underscores the importance of deliberate urban planning in reinstating communal spaces, promoting social interaction, and enhancing the overall quality of life for residents.



本世纪初,标准板房区的改造体现了由社区推动的具有丰富文化共鸣的倡议。新的公共空间以鞑靼文学经典 Abdurakhman Absalyamov 的一部里程碑式的小说命名为 “白花”,旨在赋予该地区独特的身份和鲜明的“面孔”。这种转变向鞑靼文学和 20 世纪 60 年代的喀山致敬,将文化和历史元素融入环境之中。

其中最突出的一点是用鞑靼字母制成的艺术品。这一元素的灵感来源于 Absalyamov 收藏在博物馆中的打字机,由他的孙女 Albina 与他合作设计,既是一件纪念品,也是一件教育品,将居民和游客与这位作家的遗产联系在一起。

The transformation of the district built up with standard panel houses in the early 2000s reflects a community-driven initiative with a rich cultural resonance. Named “White Flowers” after a landmark novel by Tatar literature classic Abdurakhman Absalyamov, the new public space aims to bestow upon the area a unique identity and a distinct “face.” This transformation pays homage to Tatar literature and 1960s Kazan, embedding cultural and historical references into the environment.

One of the standout features is the art object fashioned from the letters of the Tatar alphabet. Inspired by Absalyamov’s actual typewriter, which resides in his museum, and developed in collaboration with his granddaughter Albina, this element serves as both a tribute and an educational piece, connecting residents and visitors to the writer’s legacy.




1. 同步计划:为确保空间内的平稳过渡和功能性,我们开展了各种同步工作。
2. 阻断危险通道:通过识别和堵塞危险通道,将安全放在首位。
3. 清理停车场:开展清理和重组停车位的活动,提高整体美观度与实用性。
4. 修缮庭院通道:对整个街区的所有院子通道进行了必要的维修,提高了可达性和便利性。
5. 创建备用出口:设立多个方便的备用出口,以确保行人和车辆畅通无阻。
6. 安排停车位:精心规划停车位,使其更靠近居民住宅,减少不便和拥堵。这一策略包括将卡车停车位调整到城市的其他区域。



The project faced a significant challenge in designing a cohesive and harmonious landscape. To achieve this, several strategic improvements were implemented:

1. Synchronisation Programmes: Aimed at ensuring smooth transitions and functionality within the space, diverse synchronization efforts were undertaken.
2. Blocking Dangerous Passages: Safety was prioritized by identifying and blocking hazardous pathways.
3. Cleaning Car Parks: Initiatives were launched to clear and reorganize parking spaces, improving overall aesthetics and utility.
4. Repairing Yard Passages: All yard passages throughout the block received necessary repairs, enhancing accessibility and convenience.
5. Creating Alternative Exits: Multiple convenient alternative exits were established to ensure smooth and friendly pedestrian and vehicular movement.
6. Arranging Parking Spaces: Parking spots were carefully planned to be closer to residents’ homes, reducing inconvenience and congestion. This strategy included redirecting truck parking to other parts of the city.

These efforts collectively envisaged a public space that balances functionality with cultural significance, ensuring that the residents not only enjoy a more structured and safer environment but also take pride in the district’s unique identity shaped by its literary and historical roots.

White Flowers Boulevard represents an exemplary case study in participatory, horizontal urbanism within Russia, highlighting a progressive approach that emphasizes community engagement and collaborative development. This participatory approach, while relatively novel and undeveloped in the context of Russian urban planning, showcases the potential for inclusive and democratic urban transformation.



参与式方法的关键要素 Key Elements of the Participatory Approach

利益相关者的确定 Stakeholder Identification

1. 该地区的居民:空间的主要使用者,其日常生活和作息将受到开发的最大影响。
2. 附近学校的师生:反映了教育界对有利于学习和互动的安全、参与性和无障碍公共空间的需求。
3. 企业家:当地企业主,他们将受益于人流量的增加和城市环境的改善。
4. 城市管理部门:负责城市规划、基础设施和公共设施的官员。
5. 业主:对物业升值和吸引力感兴趣的业主。
6. 相关社区:对城市空间的文化、社会或环境方面有特殊兴趣的各社区团体和非营利组织。

合作设计过程 Collaborative Design Process

让这些利益相关者参与合作设计过程涉及几个关键步骤: 1. 调查与研讨会:开展初步调查与研讨会,收集不同观点,了解各利益相关者群体的需求和愿望。 2. 制定设计任务:根据收集到的意见,制定一份综合设计任务书,详细说明改造林荫大道的具体目标和目的。 3. 制定开发原则:与利益相关者一起确定了空间开发的基本原则。这些原则指导着设计过程,包括安全、无障碍、文化意义和社区所有权等方面。

参与进程的成果 Outcome of the Participatory Process

1. 提高了社区参与度:利益相关者的参与培养了人们对新公共空间的主人翁意识与责任感,提高了长期使用和维护的成功可能性。
2. 丰富的文化设计:文化元素的融入,如受 Abdurakhman Absalyamov 打字机启发而创作的鞑靼字母艺术,反映了社区的传统和身份,使空间变得独特而有意义。
3. 功能改善:​实用性改进措施,如堵塞危险通道、清理停车场、修缮庭院通道、开辟备用出口、安排停车位等,都直接影响了白花大道的功能。


The process began with a comprehensive survey of the area, allowing for the identification of key stakeholders who have a vested interest in the development of the boulevard. These stakeholders included:

1. Residents of the District: Primary users of the space, whose daily lives and routines would be most affected by the development.
2. Students and Teachers of the Nearby School: Reflecting the educational community’s need for safe, engaging, and accessible public spaces conducive to learning and interaction.
3. Entrepreneurs: Local business owners whose enterprises would benefit from increased foot traffic and an improved urban environment.
4. City Administration: Officials responsible for urban planning, infrastructure, and public amenities.
5. Landlords: Property owners interested in the value appreciation and attractiveness of their properties.
6. Interested Communities: Various community groups and non-profits with specific interests in cultural, social, or environmental aspects of urban spaces.

Engaging these stakeholders in a collaborative design process involved several key steps:

1. Surveys and Workshops: Initial surveys and workshops were conducted to gather diverse viewpoints and understand the needs and desires of each stakeholder group.
2. Formulating a Design Assignment: Based on the input gathered, a comprehensive design assignment was created, detailing the specific goals and objectives for the transformation of the boulevard.
3. Establishing Development Principles: Together with stakeholders, fundamental principles for the development of the space were determined. These principles guided the design process and included aspects like safety, accessibility, cultural significance, and community ownership.

The participatory approach led to several tangible outcomes:

1. Increased Community Engagement: The stakeholders’ involvement fostered a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the new public space, enhancing its likelihood of successful long-term use and maintenance.
2. Culturally Rich Design: The integration of cultural elements, like the Tatar alphabet art inspired by Abdurakhman Absalyamov’s typewriter, reflected the community’s heritage and identity, making the space unique and meaningful.
3. Functional Improvements: Practical enhancements, such as blocking dangerous passages, cleaning car parks, repairing yard passages, creating alternative exits, and arranging parking spaces, directly

The development of White Flowers Boulevard serves as a prime example of effective participatory and interdisciplinary urban planning. Recognizing the importance of involving a wide range of local experts and engaging with various community groups, the project aimed to create a space that resonates deeply with its users and stands the test of time.



当地专家的贡献 Contributions of Local Experts

1. 景观设计师:这些专家在绿地、布局和植物选择方面提供了重要意见,确保林荫大道既美观又具有生态可持续性。
2. 交通专家:他们的专业性指导对于解决交通流量、停车方案和安全的人行道至关重要,从而增强了空间的整体功能性和安全性。

合作设计方式 Collaborative Design Process

1. 公开研讨会和设计游戏:大型研讨会利用设计游戏工具来促进广泛的利益相关者提出创造性意见,营造合作氛围。
2. 小型焦点小组:特定群体,包括体育爱好者、自行车手和驯犬员,参与了具有针对性的讨论,以满足他们的独特需求和偏好。

利益相关者的参与 Stakeholder Involvement

1. 跨学科团队:由建筑师、交通专家和景观设计师组成的跨学科专业团队与社区与地方当局密切合作。
2. 未来运营商合作:​喀山公园和花园管理局作为该空间的未来运营商,积极参与了决策过程,以确保协调和长期管理。

项目后期评估 Post-Project Evaluation

1. 施工监督:建筑师陪同施工全过程,以确保施工符合设计意图。
2. 开业后评估:​在林荫大道开放一年后进行全面后期评估,以评估空间的使用情况、功能性和整体成功度。


The inclusion of local experts was a cornerstone of the project. Among the professionals involved were:
1. Landscape Architects: These experts provided vital input on green spaces, layout, and plant selection, ensuring that the boulevard was both aesthetically pleasing and ecologically sustainable.
2. Transport Specialists: Their expertise was crucial in addressing traffic flow, parking solutions, and safe pedestrian pathways, enhancing the overall functionality and safety of the space.

The design process was highly inclusive and iterative, employing several strategies to ensure broad-based participation:
1. Open Seminars and Design Games: Large seminars utilized design game tools to facilitate creative input from a wide array of stakeholders, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.
2. Small Focus Groups: Specific communities, including sports enthusiasts, cyclists, and dog handlers, were engaged in focused discussions to address their unique needs and preferences.

Throughout various stages, the project effectively integrated contributions from diverse community groups, ensuring that all voices were heard and valued:
1. Interdisciplinary Team: An interdisciplinary team of professionals, including architects, transport specialists, and landscape architects, collaborated closely with the community and local authorities.
2. Future Operator Collaboration: The Directorate of Parks and Gardens of Kazan, the future operator of the space, was heavily involved in the decision-making process, ensuring alignment and long-term stewardship.

To ensure the success and sustainability of the public space, architects remained involved beyond the construction phase:
1. Construction Oversight: Architects accompanied the building process to guarantee that the execution aligned with the design intentions.
2. Post-Opening Assessment: A year after the boulevard opened, a thorough post-assessment was carried out to evaluate the space’s usage, functionality, and overall success.

The White Flowers Boulevard project seamlessly integrated landscape enhancement with cultural symbolism to create a space that is both functional and meaningful. This thoughtful approach not only redefined the physical environment but also instilled a sense of community pride and ownership.



景观改造 Landscape Transformation

主要景观要素 Key Landscape Elements

1. 植入肥沃土壤:确保新塑造的景观能够支持繁荣的生态系统是最基本的一步。项目引进了优质肥沃的土壤,以促进植物和树木的健康生长。
2. 广泛种植:项目种植了 1000 多棵大树和多年生灌木,主要以白色花朵为主。这些如同大型标本的植物种植,旨在迅速建立一个成熟的森林环境。
3. 营造绿荫:在一些区域,种植策略旨在营造真正的阴凉树林,为游客提供凉爽的休憩场所,并提升林荫大道的整体美感。
4. 文化参考:​选择开白色花朵的植物是为了向 Abdurakhman Absalyamov 的小说《白花》致敬,并为空间注入文化与文学内涵。

1. Fertile Soil Importation: Ensuring that the newly shaped landscape could support a thriving ecosystem was a fundamental step. High-quality fertile soil was brought in to promote the healthy growth of plants and trees.
2. Extensive Plantation: Over 1,000 large trees and perennial shrubs were planted, primarily featuring white flowers. These weren’t just typical plantings; they were large-sized specimens, designed to quickly establish a mature, forest-like environment.
3. Shade Creation: In several areas, the planting strategy aimed to create real shady woods, offering a cool respite for visitors and enhancing the overall aesthetic of the boulevard.
4. Cultural Reference: The choice of white flowers is a deliberate nod to Abdurakhman Absalyamov’s novel “White Flowers,” infusing the space with cultural and literary significance.



确保可持续性与社区自主权 Ensuring Resilience and Community Ownership

可持续设计的要素 Elements of Sustainable Design:

1. 立竿见影:种植大树可带来直接的视觉和环境影响,确保公共空间从一开始就给人以完整而温馨的感觉。
2. 长期稳定性:设计能随着时间推移而茁壮成长的树荫区,有助于确保这些元素能够经久不衰,成为城市景观中永久而珍贵的一部分。
3. 保护公共空间:通过创造一个美观、实用并具有文化意义的空间,该项目旨在保护林荫大道,防止未来被短期商业利益侵占。
4. 以社区为中心:​总体目标是打造一个居民喜爱和关心的公共空间。这一策略旨在培养牢固的社区纽带和维护该空间的集体责任感。


1. Immediate Impact: Planting large-sized trees allowed immediate visual and environmental impact, ensuring that public space felt complete and welcoming from the outset.
2. Long-term Stability: Designing shaded areas that would thrive over time helped ensure that these elements would endure, becoming a permanent and cherished part of the urban landscape.
3. Protection of Public Space: By creating a space that is beautiful, functional, and imbued with cultural significance, the project aimed to safeguard the boulevard against future encroachment by short-term commercial interests.
4. Community-centric Focus: The overarching goal was to create a public space that residents would love and care for. This strategy sought to foster strong community bonds and a collective sense of responsibility towards maintaining the space.

The White Flowers Boulevard project marks a significant departure from traditional boulevard concepts and stands as a pioneering example of creating local public spaces from the ground up. It is exceptional in its adaptive design, multifaceted use, and ecological impact, setting a new paradigm for urban development in Russia. Below are some key aspects that underline its precedent-setting nature.



重新定义林荫大道概念 Redefining the Boulevard Concept


突出特点 Key Features:

1. 多功能设计:林荫大道融合了各种使用场景、无数条路线和众多适合不同活动的场地。这种多功能性使其成为当地人可以进行从安静沉思到积极娱乐等各种活动的空间。
2. 社区驱动的功能方案:功能方案的制定是通过项目研讨会与当地居民密切合作进行的。这确保了设计与社区的需求和偏好深度契合。
3. 便于举办活动的布局:设计可容纳各种活动,使林荫大道成为文化和娱乐中心。这种灵活性进一步确保了空间全年都充满活力和吸引力。

创造新的公共空间 Creating New Public Space


生态影响 Ecological Impact

加强景观美化:通过引进 1000 多棵大树和多年生灌木,该项目大大增加了该地区的绿化覆盖率。这不仅改善了当地的生态环境,还提高了空气质量,并为城市野生动物提供了自然栖息地。

Traditionally, boulevards are viewed as linear spaces featuring a central pedestrian promenade flanked by defined sites. White Flowers Boulevard shifts away from this narrow definition by creating a dynamic and adaptable space that caters specifically to local needs rather than serving as a generic city park.

1. Multi-functional Design: The boulevard incorporates various scenarios for use, myriad routes, and numerous sites tailored to different activities. This versatility makes it a space where locals can engage in a wide range of pursuits—from quiet contemplation to active recreation.
2. Community-Driven Functional Programme: The development of the functional programme was conducted in close cooperation with local residents through project seminars. This ensured that the design was deeply aligned with the community’s needs and preferences.
3. Event-Friendly Layout: The design accommodates diverse events, turning the boulevard into a cultural and recreational hub. This flexibility further ensures that the space remains vibrant and engaging throughout the year.

Unlike the common practice of reconstructing existing Soviet-era parks, this project represents a pioneering effort in creating new public spaces where none existed before. This illustrates a fundamental shift in urban planning philosophies in Russia.

 Enhanced Landscaping: Through the introduction of over 1,000 large trees and perennial shrubs, the project has significantly increased the area’s green cover. This not only improves local ecology but also enhances air quality and provides natural habitats for urban wildlife.



专业基准 Educational and Professional Benchmark


教育意义 Educational Significance:

1. 学习场所:该林荫大道已被用于教育考察,为创新城市设计和社区规划提供了实用指导​。
2. 专业参考点:​在联邦一级的研讨会、论坛和讨论中起到了示范作用,从而影响了全国各地的城市发展实践。

The White Flowers Boulevard has quickly become a touchstone for urban planners, architects, and public space managers.

1. Learning Site: The boulevard has been used for educational excursions, offering practical insights into innovative urban design and community planning.
2. Professional Reference Point: It serves as an example in seminars, forums, and discussions at federal levels, thus influencing urban development practices across the country.



结论 Conclusion



The White Flowers Boulevard project stands as a testament to the power of inclusive, culturally resonant, and ecologically sound urban planning. Through the deliberate and thoughtful integration of landscape elements, large-scale plantations, and community involvement, the project team successfully created a public space that promises to remain a vital part of the community for generations to come. The boulevard is not just a physical transformation but also a symbol of the community’s collective identity, heritage, and shared vision for the future.

The White Flowers Boulevard project sets a new benchmark in urban development, moving beyond the constraints of traditional design to create a multi-functional, community-centric, and ecologically beneficial space. It stands as a testament to the power of participatory planning and innovative





项目名称:White flowers boulevard
项目地点:俄罗斯 鞑靼斯坦 Respublika 喀山

景观/建筑事务所:Project group 8
首席建筑师:Nadezda Snigireva, Roman Kovensky, Ksenia Guznova
工程:Intarsia Ltd
景观:Park-servis Ltd

图片来源:Daniil Shvedov

Project name: White flowers boulevard

Completion Year: 2018
Size: 170000 m²
Project location: Kazan, Respublika Tatarstan, Russia
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Project group 8
Contact e-mail: demeneva2020@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Nadezda Snigireva, Roman Kovensky, Ksenia Guznova
Engineering: Intarsia Ltd
Landscape: Park-servis Ltd
Photo credits: Daniil Shvedov



更多 Read more about:Project group 8