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Thanks Basis architectural bureau for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Basis architectural bureau.
Basis architectural bureau:海滩位于新住宅区附近,这里的居民显然将是主要的游客。设计师试图将这片区域打造成一个不仅仅是靠近水的休闲之地,也更加关注它的自然组成部分,并保护现有的树木。海滩的阶梯式布局顺应了复杂的海岸地形。这种处理景观的方法通过在不同的区域创建不同的休闲场所,使每个区域都和谐地融入了地形和自然环境。
Basis architectural bureau:The beach is located in proximity to the new residential complex, whose residents will obviously be its main visitors. The architects of Basis were trying to make this area to be something more than just a place by the water, focusing on its natural component and preserving the existing trees. The terraced layout of the beach was made due to a rather complex coastal relief. This approach to the landscape was found through the creation of different recreation areas in separate zones. Each of the zones is harmoniously inscribed in the relief and natural context.

On the lower level, near the water, there are comfortable spaces for relaxing and sunbathing. An open sandy beach with sun loungers and umbrellas implies the possibility of friendly communication and spending time together. Several “rooms” with sun loungers, neatly carved into the coastal slope, provide an opportunity to spend time with your company. A multi-level deck with outdoor furniture was conceived as a place for individual relaxation. Wooden decks help to move from one zone to another along the promenade and to approach the water through the sandy beach. You can rest and relax near the water, sitting on the wooden pier.

The central element of the project is a multi-level wall made of gabion, which resembles a grotto, and closes the beach from outside noise. Over time, it will be overgrown with ivy and add even more cozy greenery to this area. A bar with a panoramic view of the bay is situated at the top of the amphitheater. This solution allowed to significantly expand the territory of the sandy beach.
▽石笼墙将海滩与外界噪音隔绝开来 Gabion walls insulate the beach from outside noise

▽由装满白色鹅卵石的石笼垒砌而成的挡土墙 Gabions with white cobblestone were used for the retaining wall

▽吧台 The bar

On the more open upper level of the beach, there is a promenade, a workout area, places for yoga and a picnic area with tables and chairs made of natural materials. The levels of the beach are interconnected by stairs repeating the relief and smooth transitions from the wooden path.
▽连接不同休闲场地的木板小路 Boardwalk connecting different areas

沿着斜坡的小路由带有定向光学装置的低矮装饰柱照亮,有助于避免光污染。露天剧场、楼梯和吧台采用内置灯具照明,其中在露天剧场的 LED 灯带集成在座椅下方。在楼梯上,哑光聚光灯内置于立柱中,此外,木质甲板上安装了顶置防潮灯。
In the evening, the beach is delicately illuminated: not like a city park, but like a private chamber space. Floor lamps on the paths provide soft flood lighting. In order to preserve the natural environment, the sandy beach area was specially left unlit and as natural as possible – so nothing distracts from the contemplation of nature, landscape, and the starry sky.
The path leading along the slope is illuminated by low decorative columns with directional optic, helping to avoid light pollution. The amphitheater, stairs and bar counter are lit with built-in lamps. In the amphitheater, the LED strip is integrated under the seat. On stairs, matte spotlights are built into the riser. On the decks there are overhead moisture-resistant lamps.

▽内置灯带勾勒出石阶的轮廓 Built-in light strips outline the stone steps

The architects used only natural materials typical for the nature of the Moscow region, but added a warm pink shade to this range as an experiment. This made it possible to create both a natural and urban space with an atmosphere of countryside recreation and a unique visual code. All furniture was specially designed for this project and made only from natural materials.
▽点缀在天然色调中的暖粉色 Warm pink embellished with natural tones

▽由天然材料制作的家具,有着最自然的色调 Furniture made of natural materials has the most natural colors

▽不同活动场地轴测分析图 Axonometric map of different activity venues

景观/建筑事务所:Basis architectural bureau
首席建筑师:Ivan Okhapkin
工作室领导:Ivan Okhapkin
首席设计师:Tatyana Kozlova
建筑师:Aleksandra Terenteva、Elizaveta Nadezhina、Eugene Rusakov、Valeria Streletskaya
总工程师:Sergei Kozlov
绿化设计:Maksim Ardatov
照明设计:«Kultura sveta»
图片来源:Nikita Subbotin
Project name: Barbie beach/Urban beach on a rough relief
Completion Year: 2023
Size: 2,27 Ha
Project location: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Razdori village, Myakinino
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Basis architectural bureau
Website: https://ab-basis.com/en/
Contact e-mail: olga@planthebest.info
Lead Architects: Ivan Okhapkin
Design Team
Head of office – Ivan Okhapkin
Chief architect – Tatyana Kozlova
Architects – Aleksandra Terenteva, Elizaveta Nadezhina, Eugene Rusakov, Valeria Streletskaya
Chief engineer – Sergei Kozlov
Greenery design – Maksim Ardatov
Client: The Ministry of landscape development of Moscow region, «Samolet» group
Lighting design – «Kultura sveta»
Photo credits: Nikita Subbotin
Photographer’s website: https://www.studiolandon.com/
“ 芭比海滩不仅仅是一处亲水休闲之地,更是一处通过因地制宜的造景设计手法而打造的能够与水、星空和自然对话的空间。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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