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卓时设计:宇宙最不可理解之处,在于它的可被理解。 ——爱因斯坦

ZSD:The most incomprehensible thing about the , world is that it is comprehensible.    ——Albert Einstein



凝视|G A Z E


If you take a Yangtze River cruise upstream from the downstream, when the Yangtze River turns from the open plain to the steep mountains, the city you are passing through is Yichang. The earth’s surface began to wrinkle here, and the strong topographical changes also gave this city the gift of accumulating energy. Gezhouba and the Three Gorges convert energy from water to electricity and continuously send it to the middle and lower reaches of the country.




Mankind’s desire to explore the mysteries of the world has changed the city with technology. A city is prospered by hydropower and energy, just like a coordinate for mankind to try to transform nature through science.




Behind this great project is the city’s frequent changes and changes over the decades. The main urban area of Xiling, Yichang, where this case is located, is close to the Gezhou Dam. A considerable proportion of the residents here are related to the construction and operation of the Gezhou Dam. The building was completed in the 1970s and 1990s, and it is now full of exhaustion and vicissitudes.


▼西陵主城区城市面貌 City appearance of the main city of Xiling



The contrast between the international reputation and the outdated city appearance is the first impression given to us by the base, and the unique history of the city, the vitality of the city that can be seen everywhere through the polishing of life, can’t hide in the surroundings.


▼基地周边勘景 Site survey around the base


介入|I N V O L V E


The Qingchuan Mingyue Demonstration Area, which ZSD undertook the landscape design this time, is located in Qiaohuling, Xiling District, Yichang City, with Pearl Road in the east and Sanjiang Bridge extension in the north. It is the junction between Gezhouba area and the main city of Yichang. Since the start of the Gezhouba Project, the urban area where the project is located has witnessed the entire 50-year history as a supporting facility. The extraordinary and achievements that were once have evolved into daily life and a history that is not well-known to outsiders.


▼项目基地 Project base




Design means an inevitable intervention in the site. As a designer, which perspective and attitude to start the design process is our primary consideration.

The demonstration area will be reserved for use as the main entrance of the park after its sales function has ended. On the one hand, the design considers the integrity of the landscape and the architectural temperament, and assumes the responsibility of revealing the tone and the flow of people during the sales period. On the other hand, it interprets the site from the perspective of urban public open space with social value, hoping to create more growth and development. Attractive place.


▼项目延展面 Project extension




After studying the attributes of the base, we organized the spatial relationship into a three-stage guide. The northeast corner outside the red line was incorporated into the site after design efforts to form a small urban square space to gather people; the east side along the street surface maximizes the integration of buildings, landscapes and urban streets to further open the site and form a linear order guide; The south side of the project is planned as a parking area, and the main entrance space of the building on the southeast side forms an interspersed landscape transition area to serve the project visitors.

From this, the base forms a spatial organization structure of square + linear passage + gray space interspersed, which aligns the traffic orientation and detention relationship between the quasi-owner group and the community group.


▼总平面图 Plan

▼流线分析 Streamline Analysis



Based on the inseparable connection between the project and the construction of Gezhouba, the design takes the form of energy conversion between water, light and electricity as a clue, and uses powerful linear elements throughout the entire site to tie the three spaces into a continuous whole.


▼原设计效果图 Original design renderings




The northeast side of the site is adjacent to the main road of the city, which has a strong potential for manifestation. This corner land originally belongs to the red line, but was included in the design scope after the designer’s efforts. The original design uses a 9×9 array of 9-meter-high metal rods as the square. The vertical command is also the beginning of the whole design, whether driving or pedestrians can get the impression of the place. The light-colored stone lines and dry spray spots on the square are like components on the circuit board, transporting energy from here to the depths of the site.

It is a pity that in the later implementation process, this important node was not finally presented due to the failure of the local authorities to reach an agreement for approval, which became the biggest regret of this case.


▼昭示广场鸟瞰 A bird’s-eye view of Show Plaza



The background of the square is a few translucent glass walls with physics formulas and expositions printed on them. It is hoped that children playing here can also arouse interest in and desire to explore the mysteries of the world.


▼蓝色半透明玻璃景墙 Blue translucent glass bokeh wall

▼广场喷泉 Square fountain



The linear pavement details continue to guide pedestrians’ sight to the south, just like the irresistible transmission of the accumulated potential energy. The arched seat is a sign of entering the next landscape paragraph, which provides more urban space with conditions for staying and paving. A linear light strip with the same width is installed to light up the street corner in the evening.


▼线性铺装连接坐凳 Linear paving connection stool

▼沿坐凳设计线性灯带 Design linear light strips along the stool



It is the strip-shaped planting area and the array of pin oak bushes that bear the energy to continue, which will bring a new look to the site in the first autumn, and hope that it will also attract more people to stop by.


▼沿线性坐凳设计条状种植池和阵列针栎树 Design a strip planting pond and an array of pin oak trees along the linear bench



After the stool area, the volume of the building gradually opens up into the field of vision, and the horizontal lines unify the landscape and the building in a language system.


▼前场水景鸟瞰 A bird’s eye view of the front water scene

▼前场花池竖向空间 Vertical space of front field flower pond



The planting pool is transformed into a horizontal pool through the details of the drain, a metaphor for the continued transmission of energy, with a neat metal edge, and the echo of the landscape and building materials further strengthens the integrity of the site.


▼简洁的树池以金属收边 The simple tree pond is edged with metal

▼树池与水景交接处设计 Design of junction of tree pond and waterscape

▼抬升花池的一端跌水为水池源头 Lift up one end of the flower pond and drop water as the source of the pond



The transparency of the curtain wall brings the scene inside the building onto the street, while the linear reflection waterscape incorporates the silhouette of the city street into the place. Here, the design is like a connection and mapping, integrating the new and the old, the past and the present In a brand new space.


▼沿街展示面 Showcase along the street

▼静面线性水景倒影 Static surface linear water reflection



After a period of straight and quiet water surface, the waterscape lines follow the retreat trend of the building volume and turn vertically. The width of the waterscape corresponds to the modulus of the building’s curtain wall. It starts to provide visual guidance for entering the building and also heralds the next energy. The arrival of the crest.


▼前场空间的线性水景与建筑形成整体 The linear waterscape of the front space and the building form a whole

▼平静的镜面水景 Calm mirrored water scene



The main entrance of the building is humblely hidden behind the gray space, which provides conditions for the continuous extension and penetration of the landscape. The wide pavement clearly shows the entrance passage. The linear waterscape above the ground ends on the right side of the passage, while the low water surface on the left continues to carry the energy to continue forward.


▼售楼中心入口 Entrance of Sales Center


爱因斯坦的名言“The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.”镌刻于纯净的黑色石材坐凳侧壁,提示人们在进入建筑之前,可以选择在这里做短暂的停留,凝视水中的天光云影,整理或放空思绪。

Einstein’s famous saying “The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.” is engraved on the side wall of the pure black stone bench, reminding people that before entering the building, they can choose to stay here for a short time and stare at the water. Sky light and cloud shadows, sort out or let go of thoughts.




Along the passage, the transitional space in front of the entrance becomes the climax and end of the energy story of the entire site. The building and the landscape intersect with each other, and various linear elements are interspersed and unified. The varying width of the vertical grille allows light to spill in during the day, carving out the depth of the space.




Under the starry sky ceiling, the underwater three-dimensional design retains the last beam of light, surrounding a twisted shape of pure black stone sculpture, standing silently above the water. At this point, the energy journey throughout the site has gone through the process of opening, passing, saving, and turning, and finally ends in a powerful image, and the infinite recyclable form of the black sculpture itself metaphors that the end is only temporary, and the energy never dissipates in nature.



细节|D E T A I L S


Based on the theme of the landscape, this case uses highly modern materials such as stainless steel, black titanium, and black stone. Directionality. Through the joint interpretation of materials and process details, the entire design is permeated with a precise and calm atmosphere, which contrasts and contrasts with the activities of people on the site.


▼设计的细节呈现 The details of the design are presented


留存|R E T A I N


The city is undergoing rapid construction and development. In the unstoppable change, new things are constantly emerging and superimposed on the old images.We hope that through every design, we can not only provide a carrier for commercial development, but also create a connection between people and places, nature and the city, and improve the environmental quality and life of surrounding communities and residents through attention and intervention in urban public spaces.


▼场地空间的生活场景 The life scene of the site space



The Qingchuan Mingyue is like a scale on the city map of Yichang, marking the changes of the city, continuing the past and the future with the current life scenes, and guarding the common memory of the city and people.


▼座椅设计图纸 Seat design drawings

▼跌水设计图纸 Falling water design drawings

▼水景设计图纸 Water feature design drawings




项目摄影:XF Photography、黄丹丹、ONE城

Project Name: Dajia·Yichang Qingchuan Mingyue
Project Type: Demonstration Zone
Project owner: Dajia Real Estate
Project location: Yichang, Hubei
Design completed: 2020.12-2021.04
Design area: 3000㎡
Landscape Design: ZSD
Design Guidance: Yuan Xiaoyu
Design team: Yu Yujun, Wang Licheng, Li Yuanyuan, Dou Longfei, Cen Qiwen, Zhou Luyi, Pan Yi
Project Photography: XF Photography, Huang Dandan, ONE City



审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie

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